
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, December 07, 2018

birthdays and busies

let's go backwards?

the past few days have been rough, i've been exhausted and worn out no matter how much sleep i've gotten and it's been really hard to get much work done. i have had some success, work-wise, but not as much as i'd like.

this morning so far:

lots more house music reminiscing than working


a sudafed and a caffeinated chocolate before starting this post

unpleasant post-social-media-fail tension, mr smear falling asleep between gd reading to us and me grabbing the next book, hannukah candle lighting with a friend and her kid, the frenemies either getting along great or fighting

rushing to pick up emergency groceries before load shedding, which was cancelled

tough debugging at my mom's coffee shop

our neighbour locking himself out of his apartment without his phone

picking up mr smear late because i'd been so into publishing my work

a solid morning of work after doing some campaigning

dropping off mr smear with gd and telling the teacher how we met

a couple of hours trying and failing to wake up early to work

wednesday 5th:

drinking a strong cup of coffee before working but crashing anyway.

an enjoyable drink (and dinner) with dystopia and schpat

the most important thing was mr smear's first swimming lesson in a couple of years, after falling in the pool a few weeks ago he was terrified but i managed to negotiate him into the water, and after a lot of cautiously trying to get him to have fun he finally relaxed and by the time we were done he didn't want to leave - the relief was immense

a play-date at our house with the kids doing their thing while we talked and i got practically no work done

a decent gym session before work and hitting the punching bag for the first time in ages, getting no work done because i spent the morning discussing blockchain strategies with a friend and dealing with (and stressing about) medical insurance for gd's next epidural (turned out the timing was really lucky AND the GAP insurance proved helpful)

tuesday 4th:

the sadness learning that the arthur's road synagogue burned down

tuesday morning lost to a neurologist visit with gd and then waiting at mojo market for literally no reason and having to rush home to let the cleaning lady in

monday 3rd:

waking up early to the party still going until the rain started, but finally finishing the podcast episodes

monday / tuesday integrating and being really happy with my coworker's changes

sunday 2nd:

night partying

feeling the sunburn while running around the company gardens with mr smear

taking mr smear to see my great aunt and her daughter and granddaughter and walk along the beachfront, remembering to put sunscreen on mr smear but not on myself

saturday 1st december:

beyond meat burger at the vegan market,

friday 30th november:

running to get to the jolly roger on time, missing it, trying to work while gd shopped, rushing to return to the jolly roger and hitting heavy lunchtime traffic, missing the boat but getting a short ride after a quick bite and a refund

a big family dinner that was generally fun, my disappointment in my niece sleep-training her son, upsetting a camps bay homeowner with politics and later thinking about a solution that would've worked for both of us

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