
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

red flags

i was running for the metro yesterday evening when i got caught with a red light as i passed my card. "oh, no!" i said, as i watched the train pull in. i hurried to the counter, agitated, and slammed my card on the reader. the assistant - obviously having read my expression - tersely responded to my request to let me through. as i began removing my earbuds i realized that she had told me that my card was empty. because february. dammit!

dinner at godmother's was very nice, her friend brought an israeli relative who's here to learn english and who was only too happy for a linguistic break. i had a date planned at la casa del popolo but the girl hadn't responded to my confirmation message, however considering that it was the site's messaging i figured it possible that she hadn't seen it and i didn't want to stand her up; fortunately, my new israeli friend was interested in going out for a drink so i took him to the same place just in case. we had a good time and as we have a surprising amount in common talked non-stop until the last metro took us past his station.
just before we left the pub i received a message from my date (who'd apparently been feeling under the weather) apologizing for not being in touch sooner... i gave her the benefit of the doubt and told her we can do thursday instead, either way i'd had a fun night.

my ankle was feeling just fine for the first time since the accident, at least until someone in the pub managed to trip over it :(


oh, and whatever yang's problem was is a complete mystery to me. he was friendly enough last night. whatever.


the weather was gorgeous today,very cold but sunny and bright. i did some supplement shopping at walmart*, sorted out my rent and settled in for lunch. skipping through rocky ii highlights to jog my memory while eating. i spent some time remembering that i'm a tekken addict and playing online. beating faceless strangers is awesome, being smashed by faceless strangers is not so awesome.

* i don't know what skittles have to do with the chinese new year, but i took three packets anyway.

i studied a bit of french, and went off to the weekly conversation. i spent most of it talking to an iranian in a similar situation, and when i learned that he's planning on returning to serve in the iranian military in the future i was glad about him not understanding my answer when i told him where i'd worked before :S

anyway, i feel a definite improvement. i'll register for the exam tomorrow.


i got some tekken in before boxing. our coach is in full abuse mode but i don't care - i've decided to let my fists do the talking. unfortunately, i wasn't on top form because my arms were buggered from the jump rope at the beginning of the class, but i still worked hard and did fairly well and the rather large dude i was paired with seemed impressed during conditioning both by how much punishment i dished out and by how much i took in return.
hitting that man felt like hitting a hard bag, dude be crazy.


it's been an evening of cute comedy, downton abbey shocks and horrors, and tekken.

thought for the day: "i'm over the moon! so over it."

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