
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

seminal cat


after posting, and instead of getting my teeth into my seminar, i went with pg to her mother's place to convert a t-shirt into a tea-party outfit. it didn't come out perfectly, but the effect rocks anyway ^_^

i knew something was up in japan because i logged into facebook to check something and saw a couple of posts containing the words "japan" and "armageddon"; right then my mother sent me an sms asking after hido. that was how i heard about the earthquake - eleven hours after it began. i checked his facebook page to determine that he was alright, and we watched the news for the next half an hour. tough stuff, that :(

pg and i went out for soup, then went to watch battle: los angeles. it's a fun film; not very original, but very entertaining.



my seventh grade english teacher is sitting vigil, i fake sleep when he's in our room so i can watch tv. he comes and checks, i hit the bed and "snooze", he leaves, i get back to the couch and watch - all's fine until the dog begins barking. too tired to go back up to the bunk to fake it; thinking that when the dog runs out the teacher won't bother to enter our room, i stay on the couch... and i'm busted - but it's time to get up anyway.

yesterday was a beautiful spring day, right off the bat. i know this because i walked from pg's to my place, and because twice during the day i stepped outside to stand in a ray of sunshine. otherwise, i spent in indoors trying to get ahead with my seminar.

towards the end of the day tahoma came by to drop off my lewis carroll collection, and aside from my talking too much (i think it's worse that i'm conscious of it and compelled to carry on anyway) we discussed his plans - which brought us onto the topic of education. i'd just watched salman khan, and been blown away by his vision for school practices...

i spent half an hour preparing for the tea party - a combination of FSM poetry, psalms and carols; a bit of lewis carroll; finally, my second undead poets' society task.

i went to pg's to watch public enemies and eats loads of good sushi, and soon after that we crashed hard.

numbers: i have two pages of my seminar paper done, and otherwise enjoyed the weekend. this is the second gorgeous spring day - we didn't get an autumn before winter... just killer summer, and a delay. but these two days of spring? can i fantasize, even for a moment, that we could have a whole season of them?

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