
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

untitled (due to headache)

pg put together a quick and tasty dinner last night, and then we got ready to go to a friend's birthday party... we were waiting at the bus stop when i suddenly realized that i was *really* tired, and that i didn't feel like going. so we went back home to sleep.
that was a good call, if not the most social.

while we were eating, i told pg the one about the psalms incident (item 3). when i demonstrated his cursing me she was shocked:
"wow! that's really creepy when you do that. why didn't you just do it right back at him?"
okay, so i was in uniform and i would never have done it... but what a deliciously evil idea!


i was woken up this morning by a phone call from an unidentified number; i couldn't make out the name but the person (i assumed male) on the other side of the line knew my name and said that we'd met in india. i had zero context, and for the life of me couldn't figure out what was going on...
"are you making fun of me? india?!"
"no - i'm calling to make sure that we're going"
"going? going where?!"

boy, was i embarrassed when she put the phone down (i'd been speaking in the masculine the entire time): i suddenly remembered i'd agree to meet with a girl i met in india to teach her how to stop on rollerblades... i called her back and was glad that she provided me the excuse of a terrible line...

i met up with her a short while later for a quick lesson - she caught on pretty quickly, even if she didn't have enough confidence to speed up. i was annoyed by the number of kids running amok on modes of transportation that aren't allowed in the rink. i didn't ask them to leave, only to go around the rink with the rest of the skaters so as not to endanger anyone... after five minutes i started feeling like i was doing more policing than teaching :S


the eye drops i'm using appear to be helping! my weak left lid is taking strain, though - i hope the exercise i'm giving it now will have an effect. my great-aunt also has a lazy lid, and i don't like the look so much :(


tahoma sent me a link to his blog, and i really enjoyed reading it (even though it's in hebrew). i wasn't certain about how the post ended, though - i keep running into difficulties with the word "friend" vs. "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" in hebrew. there's a cultural implication and two words, one of which is too strong and one too weak O_o


it looks like i've managed to organize a twice-monthly (notice my avoidance of the ambiguous "bi-monthly") anime night - sweet.


pg tried to help me read the contract i received yesterday, but we eventually gave up. hebrew legalese ain't all that :/

studying: reading makes my mind wander. this is getting tougher and tougher.

i met with what used to be my alternative ride - he's a lot easier to get along with suddenly. he doesn't seem to be pushing and testing all the time. it was a pleasant cup of coffee. right until i began developing a massive headache. my brain hurts. big-time :(

i seem to have upset nystire's wife (and nystire, by proxy). aside from her making things unnecessarily complicated, they decided to swing by early when we'd arranged a different time. i don't do "ohmigod-quick-change-of-plans" when i'm busy with someone who had the patience to wait for my schedule to clear.

now backing up in preparation for a complete reinstall.


50 awesome (and quick) viral videos: i've seen quite a few of them, but it was still fun to scroll through.


i see that hawthorne is full of interesting little tidbits:
"Possibly some cynic, at once merry and bitter, had desired to signify, in this pantomimic scene, that we mortals, whatever our business or amusement,—however serious, however trifling,—all dance to one identical tune, and, in spite of our ridiculous activity, bring nothing finally to pass. For the most remarkable aspect of the affair was, that, at the cessation of the music, everybody was petrified at once, from the most extravagant life into a dead torpor. Neither was the cobbler's shoe finished, nor the blacksmith's iron shaped out; nor was there a drop less of brandy in the toper's bottle, nor a drop more of milk in the milkmaid's pail, nor one additional coin in the miser's strong-box, nor was the scholar a page deeper in his book. All were precisely in the same condition as before they made themselves so ridiculous by their haste to toil, to enjoy, to accumulate gold, and to become wise. Saddest of all, moreover, the lover was none the happier for the maiden's granted kiss! But, rather than swallow this last too acrid ingredient, we reject the whole moral of the show.

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