
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, October 18, 2010

it's such a perfect day...

no, really. it was BRILLIANT. i had a quick breakfast and was on my way to the bus when i suddenly realized i didn't have a copy of my timetable - good thing i live right next to the bus stop :)

the bus ride was absorbed by reading and grooving. this last wired is full of interesting things (as usual) but there's something new in the editing: i keep finding myself grinning or laughing; this month has a great sense of irony.

i began the day with wr at gillman, then walked a pensioner to her first class before entering mine. my class was quiet - eerily so - because it was the first university class for most of the people in it. even when i was joined by star trek girl (stg) we felt the need to whisper.

we sat discussing tokyo (she's taking courses in japanese) until our purple wonder waltzed in - i hear her taste has actually improved over the years. the first course, narrative analysis, was fascinating and awkwardly challenging. i spent its entirety competing to be the first to submit the syllabus to the student union - there was a prize involved - by entering it using my phone's numerical keypad. this turned out to be quite complex - two full pages of sources - and i was a little distracted sometimes.

so there's me answering the wrong questions. i was well pleased that my answer proved useful on a different level, though, and i actually got to participate and argue with our professor on the first day :)
i'd heard a lot of things about her that weren't so positive, but now i can judge for myself and i think she's great.

pg was waiting for me outside (same building on sundays) and guided me to my next class. the introduction to literary theory was really cool and not a little mind-bending ^_^

i don't remember ever enjoying a class so much! i have this weird sensation that this is what i was *meant* to be doing.

i met with wr afterwards, then pg joined the two of us and we got our bus passes and student union memberships sorted out. from there i had to skip to work for a meeting with the boss, totally high from the morning's fun ^_^

the meeting was really satisfying, we appear to be on the same page for pretty much everything. i spent an hour or two afterwards getting back into the development side of things (and being informed that i have a shift this week), then returned to campus to pick up pg and drag her along to the galapagos photo exhibit and the poetry reading by keren alkalay-gut. wr joined us at the end, and introduced me to her as a fan (panic ensemble) who'll be taking a class with her in a few hours (w00t!!!).

i was planning on going back to work, but i wound up at pg's place and just didn't feel like it.

on the way to her place, i talked to scrapper. he also had a terrific start to the academic year (he's followed the kid down south), and wanted to let me know about a dream he had that i take as one of the biggest compliments i've ever received:
i swung by to visit you, and walked in to find you naked, hovering in the lotus position about six feet in the air.


i had a restless night - not the best way to close such a great day :(

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