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Friday, August 28, 2009

social interactions

just reading peter berger and anton zijderveld - in praise of doubt, which led me on a trail of thoughts (starting with "cognitive contamination")...

i believe that innocence is sacrosanct. that extends to social relations and communication - it bothers me that i can't just meet a really great girl, be intimate with her, and then decide that i'm not interested.

it is for that reason that i'm not upset by what happened with spinnit - yes, i'm disappointed, but that's life. my point is, i respect other people changing their minds and so expect others to respect me changing mine.

see, i don't *know* how i feel about someone until we've gotten to that intimate point, but because i'm so concerned about "leading someone on" i'm overly-cautious about getting there.

i think the remedy is to care less, but it's become so natural that i think i'd respect myself less for it.

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