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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

world war iii, coming right up

it doesn't matter that each of us "westerners" knows that our moral code and love of freedom (even if we don't do it quite right) is correct and that it's not sensible for people to believe otherwise... not everyone agrees with us.

we are at war with islam, at war not with every individual practising muslim but at war with a worldview that is completely at odds with ours.
and this is why wars happen. throughout history. when you cannot resolve things in any other way.

at the moment we have not only fanatics and fundamentalists but regular and good people as well subverting our respected and loved democracies by becoming a majority in whichever country allows this to happen. it's happening in europe and it is happening everywhere else.

our moral code is SO good that the only option we have is to let this happen, to let our democracy turn to meaningless drivel and to become incorporated into the muslim world.
the only way to defend ourselves against this is to behave in ways we KNOW are immoral, in ways that we could never condone, but these are the exact attributes of our worldview that we need to protect.

due to the incredible improbability of us doing what we need to in order to preserve our way of life, i can only predict that in a relatively short while i'm going to be wearing a shumag and struggling to pronounce "please don't rape me so much" in arabic.


we can figure out a way to unfuck ourselves in our political and moral correctness and do whatever it is that needs to be done. i'm pretentious, but not pretentious enough to think that i hold the solution to all our woes.

i'm just unfortunate enough to be honest enough with myself to be aware of the problem. god help us all, whichever god you choose. otherwise, we won't have the luxury of a choice.

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