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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

out the window

i spent today laughing, on the verge of hysteria, at the most obscure and ridiculous errors and crashes. i have witnesses, and when the expert arrived she just stared incredulously... "i've never seen anything like it", she whispered.

the day began with a big ol' nystire "i'm back, and less interested than ever" welcome, and i've decided that whatever the outcome i'm just going to have to do my best not to care.

i read wired's apple article this morning, and my word - has everyone else gone mad?!

essentially they praise jobs' old-school managerial style, and i'm left wondering why so few people understand that it's a good way to Get Stuff Done. that all this "all the workers must be happy" tripe only serves to reward mediocrity, and those same workers will never have the satisfaction of taking responsibility for a job well done.

once upon a time people did their damn jobs, now the power's at the bottom of the hierarchy and management are generally left coaxing effort or tricking their employees into it.

with that piece of inspiration in mind - i sent my SC a mail explaining exactly what i think of the software i've been forced to use and provided an alternative: a pencil and a piece of paper. i sent the experts a copy each, and one of them immediately picked up the phone and asked me if i realized what i'd done.

"what? let him know the truth?"
"no. you've just put yourself in the firing line because the unit commander's been pushing the software."
"that's just fine. i'm sick of this political crap. i have real work to do."

i don't care anymore. i'm sick and tired of towing a line that's given me nothing but a sense of hopelessness and failure. enough is enough. i WILL stand up for myself: when i leave the organization i will leave with my head high, and fuck everyone else.

no more tact for me.

i came home and discovered that the paint problem was temporary, they were just using it to clear the road in order to re-tar it.

i made spaghetti for the first time in years, and spent an hour or so on justin's finger gym. my hand hurt afterwards, but it was SO much more productive than starting with chords! and it sounds way better too!

the kid and i went to real gym, watched another episode of the unit, and now it's past my bedtime by a long shot. my muscles are all jelly, and tomorrow's a brand new day.

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