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Monday, October 29, 2007

it's all relative

heh, spot's grandmother called me at 7.15 this morning to ask if i knew where he was. i'm so glad i've got nothing to do with him anymore.

i got all the investigations pretty much out of the way, and was getting back to work when point c (to follow) got in the way.

points for the day:

a) moral relativism

the kinder began what turned into a rather disturbing revelation that all the russians who serve with us have an incredibly different view of ethics and it's something that i can't quite incorporate into my world-view. i have an extremely well-defined moral code and i'm convinced that it's right - to a degree - so there are some things i find difficult to let in.

it's not so much the ethics themselves as the lack of standpoints or high ground. and i can't decide if that's a good or bad thing.

b) bad food

i felt horrible after lunch today, and i've come to the conclusion that it's the quality of the food that's causing it. today the mess hall provided muck disguised as knobbly sausage.

c) perl is revolting

really, really ugly and frustrating. i wasted ages trying to do something horrifically simple, and eventually gave up. and i think it's just because i'm not familiar with (and don't particularly care to be familiar with) regular expressions.

d) dirty water

we cleaned our office today. when we started returning our chairs, i began pushing to take somebody else's superchair. we had a big macho stand-off type-thing, and eventually i managed to distract him while my team-mate began sneaking the chair in... accidentally upsetting the bucket of dirty water :(

so we cleaned while he got his chair back.

e) induction of the devil

we have cable television now. this bodes ill.

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