
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

wrapping up the week

i couldn't provide an honest picture for today, so here's a link to a similar incident

on my way to the base i called up nystire to arrange our first coffee trek, and his giggling helplessly that early in the morning wasn't a good sign. when i walked into my office, i found every - single - item (including individual notes) gladwrapped or saran wrapped or whatever wrapped (depends on what country you're from).

EVERYTHING. i stood there gob-smacked, my nemesis' last day and he must've spent hours pulling a prank that took me practically no time at all to undo. there's someone who needs a girlfriend.

my TL walked in, stopped to stare and smile knowingly at all the amused and giggling rubberneckers... i looked him square in the eye, and told him that i wouldn't be able to log in for a couple of hours.
"don't worry, i'll sign you in."

i then made sure that it took me those couple of hours to log in. TGIF is a thursday thing in israel.

so we had a lunchtime farewell for my nemesis and another guy who's leaving soon, they had olives stuffed with garlic and that makes for an extremely interesting bite. i tried wrapping my nemesis up in cloth, but that didn't hold.

oh well.

i learned a bit about organizing ski/snowboard vacations in the afternoon, and had an interesting chat with nystire wherein we discussed plans for the future... at least i'm now in the right headspace to be able to say that i'm going to need to resume studying next year.
if we end up studying together that'll make life far easier.

i had a moment this afternoon, the email that i sent regarding lonely soldiers has moved through the first hoop and is under consideration! ^_^

i worked quite a bit this afternoon, and we had a repeat farewell. i came back to tel aviv, changed, and went with spot to sit and ogle gorgeous girls over iced-coffee, then got crazy-good ice-cream (banana-truffle is the shit), and now everyone's sitting down for poker, i'll guess i'll have to join in.

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