or "the internet on just 256MB a day"
spot has *JUST* figured out what's been wrong with my pc - the RAM's been fscked. for a LONG time (long enough that the warranty is voided... how convenient.), and there's no reasonable explanation for it having worked in the first place. so now i've had to toss a RAM chip, and i'm going to need to buy a new one. but again: how the hell was it working in the first place???
so to sum up my weekend: it was very, very quiet. i went off yesterday morning to teach the new girl how to work with my code, and aside from some of the more complicated things i managed to get her to understand what's happening. it was interesting to go through it all like that, i'm actually quite impressed with what i produced in spite of my general state of mindlessness at the time :)
i took a slow slouch through to bograshov, visited a gaming store (bored me, to tell you the truth, although i'm impressed at how many games are available for the wii), and went into the store suggested by the cafeneto girl.
the snow-gear blew me away - beautiful stuff, but i don't have to worry about that just yet. i found awesome pants, and was all shopped out before i realized that i'm going to need to buy boots to go with them :P
so that's next week's mission.
i returned home, napped a couple of hours, visited spot's grandmother, came home for a bit, returned to spot's gran for dinner, went to la gufra to visit the mongoose's ex (due to a misunderstanding, and it turned out she doesn't work there anymore), then slouched to movieing, for brandy with cider and a video.
we rented domino, and we rented it because it stars kiera knightley. i passed out about halfway through the movie, though :( [i'm doing that a lot lately, but at least this weekend i have the excuse that i haven't been breathing properly due to the sinusitis]
i woke up this morning and watched the movie properly. it's awesome. then i watched the special features, including a short documentary on the real domino harvey and a short bit about the director's style. so i watched the movie again, intending to focus on the style, but i ended up getting caught up in the story again.
what a fantastic bloody movie! if you haven't seen it - DO SO.
i then took a walk back to return the video, returned home and put on my blades. i did the park (it's becoming a habit), then stopped by cafeneto for coffee before coming home. i didn't have my shirt on, and got a good laugh out of it because sunshine was a bit stuck when she saw me ;) [i have a feeling that she wasn't expecting someone like me to be sporting a piercing and tattoo]
i showered, and then spent the evening reading hyperion and listening to good music. around half an hour ago spot cried "eureka!", and although it's weaker at least my pc's useful now. in a bit i'm leaving to watch a movie with mmf and SxS, and i *think* that i'm ready to face the week.
i'm so going to find a sealed perspex container for my RAM, and label it "pandora's box: EVILS INSIDE".
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