apparently it's a couch-potato cat. i don't buy it.
i found myself spending a lot of today with eyes focusing about 20ft behind my monitor, which was very useful. i don't even know what's running through my mind, but i do know that something's bothering me. maybe i have a cold. maybe it's the lack of exercise, and please note that right now i'm not getting any.
cute: i meant exercise, but i'm not getting any "female companionship" either. [i do, however, have pearl jam - you are playing]
i've been in my current posting a month already, and only today my commander and i had an introductory interview. generally positive, some of it really awkward because we were discussing things that really should've been talked about when i arrived. at least we could laugh about that, i must admit the talk did put me more at ease.
we cleaned our offices this afternoon, and i volunteered to organize the suds. i took the bucket back and went to the toilet, and nystire's commander began cleaning our side of the offices. he was mid-sentence complaining about the state we'd left it in, when he suddenly let out a scream that frightening the crap out of everyone (except me, of course, i wasn't there): i hadn't controlled the water as well as i'd thought, and it was steaming hot. he'd stuck his hands right in.
i gotta admit, that as horrified as i was to discover my mistake (when i returned and he began cursing me out), i (and i wasn't alone) couldn't stop myself from giggling while he steamed at me. he's the mildest, most polite israeli i've ever come across, and everything was pricelessly out of place. i do feel bad though.
i think i'm going to nap a bit, and when the kid gets home i'm going to abuse his translation skills and sort out everything i need for tomorrow - i'm totally not prepared.
like it's a bad thing?!?!
yeah, right.
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