i can feel my brain tearing at the seams. i've had a long week, and now that it's over everything's come rushing up to the front to crowd all the functional bits. as if it wasn't bad enough that i had to deal with serious brain-rape from nql's lack of communication skills, i've just been introduced to a new level of bad design that wasn't apparent from the start, and i haven't a freaking clue how to go about working around it.
and i don't want to.
i'm sick of this shit.
i don't mind php, web-development, grud-work... i don't like it, but i can deal with it. i mind having to be stupider than i'm already feeling so that i can blindy write things in the manner that i *hope* is correct. correct for the existing environment, of course.
design wasn't considered in these systems, and i think that the monkey who continued without understanding what was required for the company confused all the entities - and the users - and the providers - and me. it really does pay to employ somebody who doesn't need a beating with a cluestick to perform basic system analysis, and it really does pay to find someone who actually has an idea how the business itself needs to operate.
not only that, but if they'd had a decent design they would have known from the start what they required from the providers: i'm thinking that maybe this company should start over.
it pays to begin on the right foot. an idiot off the starting block will fuck you right up.
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