
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

after not sleeping last night...

... primarily due to sore legs (body still aching, especially neck, surprise), i woke up super early and headed straight for the wrong base. [on purpose]

hah! i was awol today, and nobody noticed. well, my previous BC informed my current SC who doesn't really have anything to do with me anyway. i wasn't released today, rather entered into permanent force - theoretically this makes me a completely displaced jobless soldier with an increased salary that's still considerably lower than that from the job i just quit.

the satisfying bit of the day was the mongoose calling up that cow's superior and telling her to crap on the foolish girl for being unpleasant to me ^_^

and i spent some time with a girl who's really helping me out of the current mess and doing it with a smile. and it's nice to hear that my now previous commanders are well appreciated by everyone they've been in touch with regarding me, because they're really deserving.

oh, yes. it rained a LOT today. i took some abuse from the kid about not being man enough to leave my brolly behind, but i've been more-or-less dry and he's guarding tonight.

after coffee with nystire and his fiancée, i went to work to inform nql that i'm officially forbidden from working as a civilian. i cleaned out my desk, and came home to eat the rather decent ghoulash spot's been raving about, catch up online, fiddle with the guitar, and now shower and get some rest.

my life's upside down and it's all beginning to make a very strange sort of sense. i must be an NCO.

scientology rules in court, apparently
musical truism

frikkin' cool, miss!
smart lawyers?!?!
not a smart lawyer at all - /. comments a must!
real gaming (or, an accident waiting to happen)

eco time:
last showing
another wish i'd thought of it!
damn right
and back to twiggy (but he's right)

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