
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

ceremonial daydream

6.15. i don't know how we managed to get up that early. the kid and i managed to get to base around 7.30, *just* on time, and already there wasn't enough room for us... we had to stuff up the lines, which annoyed the commander of our area a little later on.

lots of organizing and sorting out in the morning; by lunchtime i was moody and tired. i joined the mongoose and freshmeat for falafel - good spice, and a good chat after i'd calmed down a bit.

more sorting in the afternoon, a chat with a really cute girl who's transferring units (because she's bored, i think. this is her 4th unit transfer), and a quick interrogation by some guys from my old section - all i wanted was to pass by and say hi.

i had a successful meeting in which we learned that there's a good chance that one of our new problems won't be too difficult to overcome.

then we had another ceremony. bleargh.

fortunately the end of the afternoon was alright. aside from discovering that piles is being sent off for a week of guard duty next week... whoops! we're out of time.

a few of us did some exercises - i was tired to begin with, i'm feeling dead on my feet now. i spent the last half hour chatting to friends, and then left the base for the week.

i kept dozing off on the bus. i was standing. i'm really, really glad that i registered when i got to my stop. the cute girl downstairs made me some excellent coffee, and i came up to get changed and answer emails.

our providers are bastards. not only do they not want to deal with me personally now (they've impolitely asked me to send mails to their support address only), but i've been on their case for a while now about a bug in the api, and they just keep regurgitating a section of the "manual" that i've bloody well read and bloody well tested against and i frikkin' KNOW that there's a bug.

i sent them back a long, extremely curt / impatient / unfriendly mail expressing my distress and imploring them to actually look into the problem. useless sods. spot checked my mail before i sent (in case i'd subconsciously included plenty of cursing), then our manager checked it, and they both agree: i use too many commas.

it's true. i type like spot talks. if you agree, please feel free to comment about your impressions - it just may be that it complements my writing style, but i'm biased, and spot and my manager are both american, so i'd appreciated some input from people who understand english.

too damn right


  1. you mean isn't owned by you?

    oh... and I knew if I sent you that link on the liverfluke it would show up on the blog ^.^

  2. vindicated!!

    I've been trying to confront him about his comma addiction for at least 2 years now. I think we should organize an intervention...

  3. dude, you can't organize an intervention after it's already taken place!

    i mean, [is that comma okay?] until you'd said that [removed comma] you could've claimed that it's all part of a grand plan you'd had; [what about semi-colons? are semi-colons alright?] now the game is up, you fluked like you fluke in pool, enjoy it and keep your mouth shut! [i'm fairly confident in those ones]


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