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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

the tunnel's burst

right, we've all heard about corporate shafting. today's lesson was in military shafting. and my team got FUCKED. none of us are sitting comfortably.

we've been awaiting a decision from on high for months now, and today was the day. there were two options - a) begin building everything in java and b) leave everything as is and hang around providing support.

we got c) get transferred to another branch that does lots of work... but ONLY using the technology that is the sole cause of all our problems and anguish.

aside from the initial shock, the following half an hour of rage, and the deep suspicion while discussing it with our now kind-of-back-with-us commander, we then had a long meeting with the SC, and we all made it perfectly clear that we're not happy with the decision - and that from now on we're looking out for ourselves.

i've actually gotten to the point where i'm REALLY willing to REALLY be a janitor on the base - at least those guys only do half-days. and it's physical labour without too much thinking involved. and the rest of my service is going to suck either way.

afterwards, in my capacity as still-replacement team leader, i took charge of the situation. we have agreed that until we get proper-fucked, until we actually have to begin signing forms and really fighting with the army, we're going to do NOTHING but have fun, learn what we want, and everyone else can get stuffed.

in fact, my explicit instruction to the kid (the scout's been renamed by the rest of the base) is to sign in tomorrow morning on time, and to sign out on time... but other than that i don't want to see him on base. and spot has to finish any and all work by tomorrow evening, because i want him to take a week or so off starting thursday. during which time the kid and i will find things to do - painting and waterfights are at the top of our list, followed by exercise and continuing with the windows api.

that was the important stuff for the day. this morning it was hard getting out of bed. mmf's bed is actually more comfortable than mine. i took the bus that spot is supposed to get each morning, the difference being that *i* got to the base on time... yeah. strange that.

it was a pretty chilled day. had some interesting work - windows scripting and batch files... i doubt i'll ever use it again, but it was entertaining. lots of mooching around the base, talking to people, relaxing... and it all ended with spot and me sitting in our office with two gorgeous girls. that was when our now-back team leader rocked up, chucked them out most ungraciously, and then told us the news... he was smiling when he informed us. we don't get lubricant from him - he's the type to "fuck a guy in the ass, and not even have the decency to give him a reacharound".

i'm at work now - tired already, and we're here until 4.30... and tomorrow morning i'm on kitchen duty... *sigh*

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