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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

bright - sunny - afternoon

and sleepy, too.

last night i crashed while waiting for the mongoose - i kept resetting my alarm, and so woke up every 5 minutes... for at least an hour and a half...

by the time he arrived, the plans had changed (without me knowing), so i was surprised with another double-date.
and i got the dog.
but no matter, i employed (deployed?) my newfound bad attitude, and we all had a lot of fun.

so we went to cinema city, and argued over which movie to see. i wanted to see hostage, and got overridden into getting tickets for white noise.
i had a GREAT bagel, a double-scoop of nougat ice-cream (my favourite), and we all sat talking codshit till (i think) about 2.30am, when the movie began.

with the possible exception of crossroads, which in my opinion had more saving graces, white noise is the crappest, dumbest, and most all-round boring and badly-made film i have ever seen.
it hurts to think that i paid money to see it.
money that could have been better spent on a mcdonald's meal.
and i hate mcdonald's.

i don't remember the name of the awards for sucky films [the razzies], but they definitely got my vote. oh - and we saw the trailer for hostage, and it looks fun.

so we had coffee at 5am - well, serious hot-chocolate at least, and then i got dropped off at home, and crashed.

i have done NOTHING of value this weekend. nada. not even cleaned my apartment. i suck.

1 comment:

  1. right - those ones! ^_^

    w-v: Let's All Insure Widgets Making Negligable Noises


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