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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, March 25, 2004


damn. she's just left. she'll be meeting my mom tomorrow. i'm still here.

also crap is my feeling so shitty for so long - i've been properly sick since monday, and i can't concentrate on anything much for long before getting kicked in the head by an unhappy ear and swollen glands.

*** yesterday ***

yesterday is a bit of a blur. i went to a class in public administration. we spent an hour discussing the political situation now that the hamas leader is dead, after which the lecturer decided that it was too cold, and left.

i planned on meeting with my charge, but he's been difficult to get hold of. i passed out, and woke up with a phone call from his mom, who's made my community service a lot easier - she informed me that i'm welcome to meet with her kids whenever, and that they're more or less always at home.
so there's a chance that this could all work out.

she got home relatively early, and we went out for coffee with a friend of hers. which then turned into supper at a chocolate shoppe, without chocolate. but really good nonetheless.

*** today ***

she left my place early this morning, and then returned a bit later, and we spent a good couple of hours watching absolute crap on the tv.

she dropped me off on campus, and i went through the trauma of three classes.
fortunately not all boring. she'd lent me her israeli flag, and whenever i made an anti-israeli comment in class (there's tons to nit-pick over here), i waved the flag - much to the amusement of my classmates. and the lecturer was noticeably less upset with my comments than he was a week ago.

she picked me up after class, and we've just finished lengthy, sobbing goodbyes - dammit, she's only going for two weeks! but i miss her already.
* whipped *

i cut out eleven hearts from some pink cardpaper, and put them in a really cute envelope for our eleven-month anniversary tomorrow ^_^

* yawn *
bedtime. suppertime. bedtime. suppertime.
damn antibiotics are messing with my timetable.

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