
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, April 27, 2003


i just lost the file during a save, so this is a rewrite. grrr.

today was a really messed up one. i went to bed this morning at around 2am, after viewing dex's modifications to his side of the site (japan). he's put up a pic in his memories section that was taken on an absolutely awesome morning, where we had our own private afterparty on the road next to the beach.

anyways, woke up around 8am, left the apartment at around 8.30 and just made it in time for the bus, that got me to the train station with a couple of minutes to spare.

i was on my way to work - i'm not only holding a job but i'm doing small contracts as well, and today something really freaky happened.

normally, when i quote an hour the work turns out to be around 30, and i get a headache and not enough pay. not to mention sleepless nights and high stress.

i quoted 10 hours for this job, and i worked 1.5 this morning and got quite a lot done! something's veeeeery suspicious about this. but it was really nice to work on a system that's been put together by professionals who actually know what they're doing. i've been working too long with cowboys, all frills and no cows. this group doesn't do anything fancy, they use what works and they do it all properly. i'll be happy to continue working with them.

i then went to university to go organize my macroeconomics homework. when i got there, i couldn't even read the questions, but i soon realized that neither could anyone else. so we sat down and eventually came up with some reasonable looking answers.
i promptly skipped the class.

i still have marketing homework to do for tomorrow morning 10am, but i'm not really ready for that so i'll see if i can get some help. or i'll study, but that's not likely.

i just came back from shopping - i finally remembered to buy vinegar (scares away the mosquitos), and olive oil (i've been stealing from my flatmates), but i forgot to buy tinfoil. so i'm not gonna have a real meal tonight. oh well.

the only other news i have i've been forgetting to put up all week - on tuesday my mommy had her graduation ceremony - she's now a BA! I'm SOOO proud! (now i've just got to get mine...)

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