
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

the late list

waking up: just as tired as when i went to bed

dusty prepositions: the dust was in the air all day, in my throat, even

sans coffee: i had an appointment in the early afternoon with the oral hygienist and didn't pack a toothbrush; i broke down around 11am and had an apple, though. it did make the french class tougher; i still learned a lot.

purging: i ran into a fellow student, and we hoped that the gravity of our quick chat would lead to catharsis and not just bum us out for the day

super-productive: work was great. i Got Shit Done. and was pleased.

dentist's office: i arrived early, the previous guy hadn't arrived, so i didn't have to wait for the tooth scraping to commence. it felt like... a great scratch for an itch i didn't know i had.

a moment's pause

proust: sounds like some interesting reading. i was dazed and bombed and should've walked in with a larger cup of coffee.

referat wrongs: so apparently i've been overdoing the sonnets paper. or not, because i have plans for it - but i probably shouldn't have been this stressed.

yeats reading: yeats is cool, but the aged french teenagers sitting in front of me most definitely weren't. playing with their iphone and whispering incessantly; this wasn't school, why the hell were they there if they weren't interested?!

sour-faced: me on my way home having left after the evening turned hebrew.
bed: but not rest. caffeine, perhaps? i got up for dinner and community when pg returned.

i began working on my paper by not working on my paper (see below), and then had a revelation!
there was this moment, a few minutes ago, where everything that i've been bothered about vis-a-vis my paper for thursday just became abundantly clear. and with that realization came another one: my paper has magically doubled in length and i didn't even notice. maybe just wishing for something enough IS enough.

i know the identity of the dark mistress, and i'm pleased about it.


a quick look at serj tankian's poetry

bill hicks' cut scene: not his best, but not bad. the homosexuality bit was weird - i can't figure out what he's suggesting only because the audience reaction is so off. (for the whole letterman apology, which is actually quite impressive, click here). hicks' reaction is interesting too.

on a completely different note: this is a great article on gaming of the 90s.

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