
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

hacking it

almost 4.30am, after a long but productive and generally pretty good day. co-worker and i are busy putting final touches on sorter's project's alpha, he's presenting to a potential investor tomorrow and it's looking good ^_^


great news - monday's class is a fun and friendly one!

once i got to work, i started on a very serious exercise: adding an animated graphic to the status messages and preventing the user from clicking multiple times when a large request has been sent. it fascinates me how little effort is required to *really* impress my users, when the stuff that's hugely complex is usually met with "ah. okay. there was something else we wanted help with..." :P

after the rush of success from that first mission, i met with sorter and co-worker to go over the project together and see where we stand. we had a lot to discuss and i was well pleased to find that everyone was on the same page.

the rest of the day was successful, if draining. what i had to do wasn't very complicated, but it was on particularly sensitive data and that meant double and triple checking everything, including the results of the automated checking :/

i had very little time at home, just enough to drop my bags and say hi to pg before rushing off to... a game of munchkin. haven't played that in a while - and it was actually a lot of fun. i attribute it to a number of things, first and foremost the mixture of decks and second to a horrible first moment in which i excitedly placed a card without reading its flavour text, but using its name. i needed a moment of silence, in which i shouted and flailed my fists at the uncaring sky. that was enough to make me care, and the guys were playing it up solidly and the entertaining far outweighed the frustrating.

weird hebrew: the expression for "expiry date" or "expired" is almost identical to "a pug attacks". now that we've thought of it, we'll never hear it the same again :P

i shouldn't have eaten all those cookies.

i walked home attached to my phone, and it amazes me no end that i didn't step in anything. after dinner and a bit of futurama, i sat down at the pc to get productive. hah! i spent an hour quibbling to get a page up to make the system administration easier... it felt ironic, even if it wasn't... and after that i finally got going with sorter's. the biggest delay is from co-worker's side. i wanna go to bed already.

on a different note: only three or four coughing fits today. only one of them in a really uncomfortable place (in class). i want my clear lungs back!

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