
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, March 16, 2012


wednesday night i went to bed with a blinding headache - perhaps it was the cupcakes, perhaps it was the end of a world that i'd been slapped with. i woke up early yesterday morning and swung into the final push. what i ended up handing in was a huge improvement over what i'd gone to bed with, but still fell short of the required length and academic propriety. still, i handed it in and all i can do is hope for the best.

my boss called in the middle of the morning, and my heart jumped up into my throat. not only because i hadn't so much as picked up the phone since sunday, but also because i was horrified that there'd be some emergency that needed handling.

i cannot express how much of a pleasure it is to work for someone who can appreciate academic pressure and makes allowances for it - he just wished me luck and told me he'd like to meet in the evening.

after submitting my paper, and a telephone argument with pg about unloading the dishwasher*, it was time for two hours of anime and then i went to work for a half an hour status report and priority shifting. the interesting news is that they want to apply for a patent on the system i've built. i wondered, on my way home, about the fact that my name probably won't be attached to it even though its design really was a team effort. it's a good thing i don't care much for patents; i think they're irrelevant, they stifle the industry and i'd rather not get involved. also, this one probably isn't viable anyway.

* i'd unloaded unwashed dishes by mistake.

washing dishes: i can handle that. what i don't get is the damned dishwasher. ignoring the fact that i don't know what all the buttons and knobs are for, i just don't have what it takes to determine whether what's inside is dirty or clean. i'm also incapable of cleaning the dishes "just enough, but not too much" to be placed in the dishwater. if i'm already washing the damned things, then why aren't i doing it properly and ignoring the machine???

after getting home and resuming the dishwasher argument, the penalty for which was no dinner, we settled down with alcohol and asterix the gaul, then crashed early.

i've now breakfasted, and decided that it's time to get some friday stuff done before buckling down to work on a) the next paper and b) work. it's been a long, crazy two weeks and i'm going to try to be more focused for this one coming up.


just because "the majority of drugs tested in animals never make it to humans at all" doesn't mean that this exercise-free gluttony enabler won't. i wouldn't mind if it did.

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