
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


whoa - i'm broken. it's almost 2am, i'm at work and i meant to do so much more studying... but i kept getting sucked into decidedly therapeutic rewrites... with some very satisfying results. i like suddenly realizing elegant ways to do things :D


today began a bit sour, with pg agitated and me unwittingly making that agitation worse. a sandwich was lost due to tension :(

we were warned it'd be rainy, but i refused to be deterred from heading out in shorts and sandals. it was a bit cloudy, but overall comfortable. i did the right thing :P

first class was nice, but i was kinda missing the point so i waded into comics. lots of xkcd comics touch me, but three in - a - row's a bit crazy!
the first one because of what i'm about to describe, the second one after watching 2009's tokyo magnitude 8.0 on thursday, and the third after last night's beer with nemesis.


after lunch with one of the kid's friends, i did the rounds at the student union, pushing a forum wordsworth and i have begun to attempt to correct certain unhelpful phenomena in the humanities faculty. oh, the humanities!
everyone we spoke to was enthusiastic and helpful, and eventually even our class representative - who's not *our* class's representative - who tried to talk me out of it. i got her enthusiastic: go me! :D

bob dylan's coming to israel?! i think i gotta go!

aside from loads and loads of (and i'm not being sarcastic) fascinating and fun work, we had a knowledge transfer so that the other dev guy can go on vacation. i told him as much: he's got a long way to go, but i'm really proud of how he's progressing. we've gotten to the point where i say "did you write that down?" and he points me to simple and easy-to-understand comments in the code. my work here is done.

also - tickets! pg's in eilat at the moment (or is she already on her way back? her plans confused me) and she sent me an sms informing me that a friend of hers wants to come to the festival but doesn't have the money... so i just got in touch with the organizers and volunteered to work a relatively short shift for a free ticket ^_^

the day / night's been great, and i'm only a little worried that i have to walk home (about half an hour) and then be up less than six hours later. usually that wouldn't be an issue, but i've been completely worn out the entire week. at least the headache's *knocks on wood* relaxed for the moment.


i keep mixing good with bad: i only found out about the bombing in jerusalem this evening. crap. could we please end this shit already? it's a bit childish. very last-millennium.

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