
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


yesterday began with an early-riser visit to the doctor. the first part of the check held a moment that i would've been embarrassed about had i hesitated and thought about it, so i was really proud of myself. she didn't say a word, but later when she needed to see something trivial she apologized for any discomfort... funny how we all see things so differently.

she let me know that something that's been bothering me isn't an issue, that there're a fair number of spot she wants to remove, and that i could benefit from a rather expensive scan. i told her that'd have to wait for me to have cash :(

when i returned home, a neighbour and i were locked outside for about twenty minutes because the power had gone off... when i tried to remind our caretaker that he'd dismissed my request for a key, he denied it vehemently :/

i set up my printer so that i could have something to read on my way to the pharmacy, suffered a hurried girl to push past me onto the mostly-empty bus (she turned out to be a little slow), was stressed out by an old woman freaking out about having to wait in line like the rest of us at the pharmacy (she was tapping and tutting and sighing about her "punishment"), picked up my meds and skipped off to visit mmf and sjo.

mmf disappeared quickly, sjo let me know that the documentary's been out for a while (thanks), and then i had to go.

the old man by the bus stop was really pleased when i told him he didn't have to be embarrassed about talking to himself. we chatted about the miracle of communication...

the mongoose's directions were horrible, and i hated the building that turned out to be the wrong one. he made up for it by treating me to a traditional humus lunch that we haven't done since we served together, and organized me an interview that amused me no end - there's me with a sucker in my mouth and dressed entirely inappropriately looking apologetic about being so expensive :P

work was filled with hassles (and sleep deprivation, it suddenly struck me when i arrived), but i got stuff done eventually and got some reading done on the bus home.

scrapper somehow got confused as to where we'd be meeting up, so we began half an hour late. that gave me half an hour to improve my single-player frisbee, and the half an hour we did have together was solid :D
a pity i lost some skin to my throws, though.

what a fantastic ride! aside from jaffa, where we felt the love in the form of irate taxi drivers hitting people, hooting stupidly, and someone going so far as to attack a bunch of skaters with pepper spray, it was a chilled evening with good exercise and amazing downhills...

an hour of net?! oops. on my way to pg's all i could think of was that i'd been in some sort of time warp...

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