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Sunday, October 24, 2010

structural study of myth?

thank you, levi-strauss. i realize i'm working off what has probably (hopefully) been revised, but this paper has a lot of... ummm... mental masturbation in it.

it reminds me of my own interpretation of the monotheistic creation myth:

first day: god creates light. the light is divided from the darkness, and "day" and "night" are named.
okay, so when we're born our neural network is unprepared and so doesn't filter. therefore we detect everything as chaos. the first step to constructing our universe is to separate darkness and light.

second day: god creates a firmament to divide the waters above from the waters below. the firmament is named "skies".
do we differentiate between "up" and "down"? could this have something to do with our visual cortex flipping the images we see?

third day: god commands the waters below to be gathered together in one place, and dry land to appear. "earth" and "sea" are named. god commands the earth to bring forth grass, plants, and fruit-bearing trees.
so we're getting better at dealing with inanimate objects.

fourth day: god creates lights in the firmament to separate light from darkness and to mark days, seasons and years. two great lights are made (most likely the sun and moon, but not named), and the stars.
well, i'm going to have to go with the development of a sense of the passage of time. two great lights? not necessarily the sun and the moon? suspicious and intriguing.

fifth day: god commands the sea to "teem with living creatures", and birds to fly across the heavens. he creates birds and sea creatures, and commands them to be fruitful and multiply.
basic self awareness and nature. discovery and enjoyment of physical sensations once those centres of the brain have developed enough.

sixth day: god commands the land to bring forth living creatures. he makes wild beasts, livestock and reptiles. he then creates humanity in his "image" and "likeness". they are told to "be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it." the totality of creation is described by god as "very good."
very good indeed, we now have, essentially, a whole personality filled with all the bad and all the good - in particular with a sense of "self" to control all the "instinct" beasts of desire.
the "self" is cast in the image of "god", aka the subconscious mind or "software" to the physical brain's "hardware".

how're we doing so far? we still haven't provided a temporal space for all of these "days": shall we call them stages? shall we declare that this is an ongoing process and that the human psyche is recreated in different forms by each mind-blowing life-changing revelation?

seventh day: god, having completed the heavens and the earth, rests from his work, and blesses and sanctifies the seventh day.
once you've mastered your universe, you can chill and be sanctimonious. right until you realize that your take on the world isn't all that; repeat steps six and seven whenever necessary.


with a brain like yours, you can find whatever you're looking for.
and deny whatever facts are staring you in the face.
that's the power of god.

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