
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, December 07, 2009

plans moving ahead

i'm tired, waiting for the laundry to complete before i turn in. the day wasn't too interesting, but the training put me in the mood for a fight.

the day began with the shuttle being cancelled. i made a better choice in where i alighted and got to the office without the headache from last time, at least. on the way, i began discovering just how awesome the fifth generation nano is. it's really great :)

having gotten off at the second stop, i thought i'd stop for salt 'n vinegar chips, but the stand was empty. next time...

  • first argument: the new kid claiming that there aren't any sci-fi movies without aliens. i showed him my list of about 200 must-see movies, and the vast majority of sci-fi on it was extra-terrestrial free. he began making wild claims about statistics. i hate statistics, they're a load of bull 99.9% of the time.

  • i am the master of the giant stapler. in our office it's apparently a measure of self worth, because we have at least one engineer who couldn't figure it out.
    *shakes head*

  • nystire's quote for the day (out of many):
    "... knives and handgums"
    "did you say handgums?"
    "i have a sore on my lip, it makes me see things differently"

  • i have a new sign which i hold up when appropriate. in english and hebrew, it says "i'm being cynical / sarcastic". i've already had cause to use it a number of times, and most of those were necessary.

  • a lot of times couples refer to themselves as a unit when they say "we're pregnant". when informed that one of the guys in the section has just become a father, my automatic response was "really? i had no idea he was pregnant!", intending the word to mean him and his wife. loads of giggling ensued.

  • my neck has been sore for a couple of days, i'm thinking of going back to physiotherapy. we'll see how the next couple of days works out.

  • ---

    BEEG news for the day! final round of authorization: acquired. i did a little dance, now to pray that that permission holds at least until the plane takes off :)

    i celebrated that by consuming loads of chocolate and by cranking up the house. it began with brooklyn bounce - progressive attack and the rest of the afternoon flew by fairly productively!


  • a few days ago i accidentally tipped over one of the pcs. i was embarrassed, nystire was angry... he rocked up at my desk this afternoon laughing so hard he could barely speak - someone was making a point, and tapped the pc with his shoe. the front plate just fell right off! it was obvious that my accident with it had prepared it, but the effect was apparently perfect :)

  • i forgot to take my books to training, so i had plenty of time to play games with my ipod. trying to control the ball in the maze with the bus shaking me all around was a great challenge :P


    taekwondo: we haven't actually fought in over two months, and every week there's something new and inexplicable that we have to incorporate. it was never like this before, because we simply never cared about what everyone else was doing and how it would affect our competitions.

    there are two of us who want things to change, the rest simply don't know any better. what we need is the other "old schoolers" (those of us who trained before the army took us all in and separated us) to come back and get things back on track... or, we need to find a willing and certified trainer and form our own group.

    this sucks.

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