
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


hatchling nibble [his name]: i opened the blinds yesterday to discover that a pigeon had nested outside my office window. nice! this morning her egg hatched; those of us who bore witness (a bit too late for the actual event, but in time for preening and feeding) were pleased :)

the freakout: bad communication skills; i had to sit with the new guy on something, and the two of us ended up having a screaming match. i was shocked at how rude he was, and it took us a few minutes of calm-down and look-at-me-when-i'm-talking-to-you before i could shut him up long enough for us to realize that we were talking about different things and had been of the same mind from the start.


c#'s drag 'n drop is pretty simple to implement. the bitch trying to figure it out with the msdn. i wasted a lot of energy flicking through the help[less], and the second i gave up and hunted down an internet connection i was sorted :S

caffeine boost mandatory: i'm still going solely on the energy drink i consumed midway through the afternoon. and i'm exhausted. i think i may have eaten too much today, too.

the girl who'll be playing d&d with us sat with me for a couple of hours on character creation. it turns out i barely remember anything, and in addition to getting things moving and giving us a chance to remember, we're at the very beginning of building a more detailed world for the actual campaign.

it's not pleasant when the shuttle arrives late on a regular day... when it arrives late at 8.30pm it's quite upsetting. fortunately, the guy eventually did rock up... sometimes they don't.

i used the opportunity to chat with my cousin from the kibbutz... she's had better times, i think. there was positive stuff too, though - in particular, i was highly amused and impressed to hear that her son's girlfriend inked her last week! awesome :)

i'll be going up there soon, at least. i haven't been there in *way* too long.

seeing the 5th element at this time of night? and at icg's suggestion, completely devoid of any input from me? no way.

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