
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, November 24, 2008

way too much time...

i finally got to sleep soon after midnight, and woke up feeling a bit better. i did forget my pda, though - it's only been a few days and its absence already made the day a little more complicated. i'm sort of pleased :P
heck, i've just discovered using it for shopping lists. why didn't this occur to me before?

that day wasn't bad, although this morning was a lot of time wasted and the afternoon wasn't as efficiently used as i would have liked. the last hour and a half saw me getting more work done than i have in a week. i was enjoying it, though. i need to figure out a way to shift my day forward a few hours without too many transport hassles. it's incredible how much more productive everyone towards the end of the day.

i drank about four litres of water today. it's not simple to remember, so i have a reminder pop up on my desktop every half an hour. ridiculous. *swigs*

i'm beginning to be concerned that my holiday isn't sanctioned yet, and the woman who handles the authorizations is constantly out of the office. not that i'm not unsympathetic to her new kid's needs, just that i'm sympathetic to my own as well.


discussing snowboarding over lunch was dangerous. nystire's TL has bought a board, and that's something i don't think i could live with. i have enough issues with my snow fantasies overlapping my regular days, having such a pretty reminder in my face all the time would drive me over the edge.

as it is, while we were talking i kept having flashbacks of experiences that completely overrode my present, i was there for a few seconds at a time and i'm now back to pining desperately.

one of the guys from the first leg of the course i just completed came by to my office for a visit today, he's a nice guy but extremely awkward. i was actually quite glad when my TL walked in and immediately put me to work, it gave me an easy exit.

over the last few years i've learned the importance of quick and easy goodbyes. goodbyes are not complicated affairs, although it takes a while to learn this. it's the art of saying "gotta run, bye" and putting the phone down, or "i gotta get back to work, see-ya". you don't need to make a big deal of it, you don't need to wish the person well nor wait to be wished in return.

its not important. let - it - go.


an academic officer annoyed me this evening while getting on the shuttle, and i'm hoping the fact that his behaviour improved afterwards had something to do with what i said, otherwise my irritation was meaningless. once i got home, i hurried to the bank only to discover that they close fifteen minutes earlier now than they used to :(


i just remembered that i found out yesterday that the history channel's mind control wasn't the documentary i was told about, which is why it disappointed me.


that girl who sent me the "i love you and miss you" message sent another one, also signed "love you": "i want to see you ok?"... that's... a little more worrying than yesterday's.


a comment by my TL this afternoon convinced me to watch the dark side of the rainbow.

i don't know so much about the first part, but part ii, part iii and part iv are pretty damn cool to watch.

i also discovered that i know very little about the history of colour film.

now i'll continue with the rest of them :P

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