
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

the weediest headphones

no, really, i'm embarrassed to post a photo of the damn things. i'll wear them in public, they're good quality, but they're ugly as sin and not in a good way.

i'm busy deciding that apocalyptica is a weird band, based on harmageddon that's noising in the background. not bad, actually.

i've had an upsetting and exhausting day.

1) my heart hurt for most of the day, mainly whenever i breathed out. sometimes it hurts when i breathe in, and that normally goes away with one deep and painful breath.

2) the morning went with the usual waste. just thinking about it depresses me, i could've done so much work this past month if i hadn't been following stupid-yet-technically-legitimate orders. actually, maybe not so legitimate if i claim it as torture.

3) my SC's not the only person who doesn't want me to be productive - i think god's in on the picture. at this point there aren't any people left to blame in the string of freak occurrences that shut down any computers that i needed to work on, and about a third of my day was spent sitting around waiting for technicians to finish fiddling.

4) no wonder i'm never 100% healthy: the food on base has a cumulative effect. sickening, but the expensive fast food that's served around the base isn't much better.

5) positive item number one: a good laugh with the bartender (bt) about my inability to send coherent sms'es.

6) i called singer today to find out how she's doing after saturday night, and she's not doing well. she kept going on about how i was throwing my hitting on bt in her face, but when i asked her how i could possibly have done it more sympathetically she was at a loss. for the most part i was actually quite subtle.

she told me i could have waited for another day, but (as i told her) i know how that goes, it doesn't. and why the hell should i miss an opportunity to meet somebody i like, when she's already had half a year's warning?

it wasn't nice of me to do that to her, but that's just the way these things go. and considering how things seem to be going with bt, it would be stupid of me to feel sorry for doing it, even though i don't like how i've made her feel. life's tough, sometimes.

7) positive item number two: getting a ride out of base at the last minute instead of a half-hour walk and a long wait for the bus.

8) shopping for a can of shaving foam, standing in the express queue watching jerk after moron dropping shit all over the floor, struggling to find wallets, making conversation with the lonely old lady at the counter, fumbling with plastic bags (although i can't blame them), and generally functioning at a speed that i imagine was created to annoy the crap out of me personally.

9) after a 13 hour day, i'm going to bed early to get ready for another one - this week filled with overtime caused by a combination of bad luck and bad scheduling.

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