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Wednesday, February 27, 2008


1) i'm going to bed.

2) i've had a long day.

3) i'm sick of israeli public transport.

4) i'm sick of being patronized and having to patronize.

i'm completely exhausted. my brain took leave just as we locked up for the night.

our work plan for the next week is, to summarize, to do the impossible. making good headway, but the general direction is towards aneurysm.

finally going home, i stood by a stop that buses are supposed to pass once every fifteen minutes. i watched two pass in the other direction, evenly spaced over half an hour, before giving up and beginning to walk. obviously two minutes later the bus drove past.

if this had been a freak occurrence i might not have been so angry.

our SC literally treats us like we're in pre-school. it's disturbing, from personal relationships to worrying about us getting home alright.
it drives me nuts that it seems that that method of dealing with us is what nystire needs. i'm really trying, but i just don't see how being gentle and patronizing fits into the workplace. i have a job to do, and it's not babysitting.

on the other hand, if that's what i have to do then that's what i'll do, but i can't fight the sheer disappointment i feel. how did we end up with an army that has such... no, that's not a nice word. and my mommy always told me that if i can't say anything nice...

it's been sitting in the back of my mind for a couple of days now. i've now three days in a row gone to the toilet with my jacket on, and the front has this sort of balloon affect that gives me insight into how it feels to be so fat as to lose sight of the big picture.

[that was an awkward thing to say]

i don't know at what point exactly someone with "a bit of a belly" crosses the line and blocks his view, but i can't understand anyone crossing that line and not immediately doing the anorexic thing to get into shape. not being able to see my penis at a natural angle would upset me no end.

a thought struck me this morning, an odd, contradictory sort of thought. if we're to extricate ourselves (and the americans themselves) from the current military and political stalemate we need to get war-happy.

we need to go back to the days when fighters were heroes, war was respected and the frontline soldiers were motivated.

here's the contradictory bit: getting them all enthusiastic but maintaining discipline. oh well... next.

i had a superb idea for a program that can write all my documents for me. i hope i get time to implement it...

my cousins managed to bring a smile to my face by sending me this link.

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