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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

stupid israelis

[click the image above for the whole stupid story]

[EDIT 8.55pm: i just realized that i wrote ingore... and i saved the image as jpg so i can't really change it neatly.]

israelis [BROAD GENERALIZATION ALERT] will never learn. you'd think that a nation responsible for some of the most important discoveries of our time, and permanently in the centre of the political whirlwind in the most explosive fragment of the world would produce citizens that were capable of handling simple things correctly.

israelis are always confident that the rest of the world will understand what's really going on, and in the case of communication they put their faith in the other party's willingness to figure out what they meant to say.

what's happened in the story above is just another example of the actualization of the hebrew expression "to put dick".

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