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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

reporting for duty

[finally updated]

summary: my hebrew's improved markedly since september 2001, although it's far from where it should be. vision in uniform totally does it for me. the amount of overhead as opposed to actual work that i've been dealing with lately is driving me nuts and making my deadlines harder to handle - although i'm handling anyway. returning to training was good.
  • doppelgänger
    an amusing incident - in my defence, i was half asleep at the time. if i'd been more alert i would've noticed the difference in rank, at least... the other slight difference is that the first girl was released ages ago.

  • the test
    the first part went extremely well, wherein we just sat and chatted in hebrew. the reading section was painful and embarrassing... it took three pages before i found a sentence i could understand. the writing would've been fine if i'd been at all familiar with the words i was told to transcribe.

  • vision
    wow - vision in uniform. wow. although i didn't really get much of a chance to talk to her.

  • bag
    the second backpack purchase i've made on the induction base, and once again i'm totally satisfied :)

  • nobody home
    i went to my old client section to pay them a visit, and none of the people i know were around. so much for the element of surprise being a good thing.

  • W.O.G.D. sensation
    entering my base felt like the beginning of a week of guard duty - it certainly wasn't deserted, but it carried that siesta feeling.

  • overhead issues
    the amount of non-work we're required to do is getting silly.

  • training
    we didn't do too much cardio, but my body's definitely functioning. i just wish i wasn't walking strangely - i seem to have stretched out my legs a little too far, a little too fast :(

  • vision
    i had a long chat with vision before supper, and it seems we're going out on friday night. the kid called me "shallow". i say it's natural.

  • big meal
    our standard post-training meals are getting serious ^_^

  • competition
    i sent in a bunch of photos to a base competition, and i have *no* idea how appropriate they are :S
earthrise, earthset
we're already cyborgs - even if we haven't fine-tuned the look yet
xkcd in wired

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