
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

granola head-start

gotta say it: the epitome of my new life is walking out the door late, at 8am, with a cup of coffee in one hand and another cup filled with yoghurt, muesli (or granola, whatever) and neatly sliced (if i do say so myself) kiwi in the other. we had enough time to finish "breakfast" before hopping on the bus; all good.

on our way to the base, we made a discovery that could only be taken as one of those "signs" religious fanatics talk about. i can't discuss it further right now, but in a nutshell:
"when's christmas?"
"whenever we want it to be."

during that little side-quest we actually managed to get the dude himself shaking his head, and it's the first time we've ever been in a position to "return the favour".

i got bored during a code-review, so i went to visit the mongoose, who made me pose for some photos which seem suspiciously relevant to a "surprise"... i'm convinced he's going to do something insidious with them and present the results to me on thursday during the farewell ceremony. but i can't stop him :S

lunchtime saw me finally (after almost two years) buying one of our previous section-mates the lunch which i owed him for the krembo bet on my 24th birthday. i learned not to order steak in a laffa... a messy and annoying combination.

i finally got my emails and things sorted out this afternoon, and piles got all excited because he pretty much took care of a problem all by himself - wow! he didn't screw everything up! he didn't beg and plead and whine!
i mean, he behaved badly enough before that to balance things out, but still...

i'm irritated by the fact that i'm folding my arms a lot lately - it's a defensive mechanism and i know it's caused by my constant stressing over the next phase of my life. i gotta chill, but i'm too obsessive to do so.

the ipod has me enthralled - again, SO pretty >D

the doubles thing is driving me nuts; i finally got the java side of things sorted out, only to discover that php deals with my STRING results in an even more bizarre and grotesque fashion. at least the pseudocode i wrote to sort it out barely had to change, it's nice to work in a c-style language :)

spot and i paid his gran a visit, as his mom's just arrived. aside from a bit of an interrogation, we had to wait a while for all the unpacking for spot to subside... spoiled brat, i say :P

we dropped off the gear at home, *had* to wrestle in the tiny elevator (spot just *had* to get out first. and here i was thinking he was more american than israeli.), and sat at the cafeneto appreciating sunshine ;)

now it's way past bedtime. my week's already feeling upside down... and it's 8 more working days before i get on that plane! WOW!!


  1. You have breakfast on the go... literally. :)That is way cool, dude.

  2. OH yeah ^_^
    i mean, it's actually healthy... that's totally out of the box for me :P


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