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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

norris has left the building

or at least, somebody with a soldier's id card that SAYS he's chuck norris. with a picture of chuck norris wearing a cowboy hat. yeah, spot's release card came out brilliantly.

it SHOULD have, because we spent the entire morning making sure of it. we done good ^_^

our backup photo was his original one - with a slight touch-up in mspaint of sprayed on hair, elvis-style. it was most amusing. once the norris card had been printed, he called us up laughing and told us we had to change it back. so we used the elvis one. he called again, this time in a huff. he's a tad sensitive about his hair loss.

nothing much of interest happened today. i had breakfast with sbelle - yep, still all weird there. i got mntns' phone number, that was a score :)

umm. aside from spot's farewell, which involved AMAZING cheesecake - and a serious mission around the base to get people to write messages on a poster, and a fight that broke out in our office between the dude and firefighter, and our lock breaking (they came to fix it; now the key turns but doesn't DO anything)... i think that was it.

played some volleyball before leaving with spot's girlfriend (or so it seems) and spuzz. we bussed to my place, where they watched the devil's advocate while i collaborated with spot (using messenger) on a project he's doing for work. once we were done, we bussed through to zinc, had a great dinner, and went to the lincoln to play pool.

i was NOT playing at peak performance. hell, even spuzz beat me. but the final three games (once spot had arrived) were great.

after only a short walk, i managed to get a taxi home, and now i'm showering and going to bed. early morning for those of us on kitchen duty - then going to work in the evening. it's a good combination, i might actually get to sleep a bit in between :)


tacked on: good lord, i've just finished the last of the zaibatsu missions in the downtown map. i thought i'd just play a quick game - 20 minutes later with my heart beating in my ears. that was nuts!

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