
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

spittin' black

from mmf's, i took a long walk to the bus (although relative to my normal walks in ta, it was nothing), bussed home, showered, and crashed.

i was woken at 1:18:58am, with an urgent call for me to get to work - i missed my alarm! dammit! manic dress, pack and go, took a taxi, but got to work and everyone was indifferent.

weird. stressful.

turned out i was to coach a new guy, not take calls myself, so that was cool. or would have been, but the new guy did some very silly things - repeatedly, and drove me nuts. whatever. SEP field time.

i took a taxi to the base - minus taxi expenses i made about NIS 50 last night... not a lot... and crashed until 9. read a bit of the diamond age before going to sleep, nice to get back into that.

woke up feeling like shit. i don't actually know what happened during my first waking moments / minutes / hours. around 11-ish the mongoose and i went for a walk, and ended up getting shuwarma for lunch. then i got dragged to a toy store. i bought "art supplies" for our room decoration procedure. which i've made up. because i said so.

most amusing ride back on the bus, two soldiers in uniform, with artsy papers and a fuck-off big squeaky-toy duck. and a duck finger-puppet. and a spiderman doll. and a toy electrocuting cellphone. that was awesome. not quite chuck norris and mr. t awesome, but still good.

spent a half-hour with my welfare officer. began as a fight, eventually got her to more-or-less (less more than more) sort me out. i don't like her attitude.

i initiated talks into running a tekken school on base, and had a long and interesting argument about israeli girls and their general suckiness (in spite of their general good looks) - with an israeli girl.

i did the spraying, using the direction of the breeze for cool shadow effects, and smiley stencils for borders. looks good. very good. i then stood there watching the paint dry, and giggling hysterically whenever an officer walked past staring.

the dog arrived, and we spoke for the first time about what happened on friday night. we both decided that doing the jackie chan thing would have been most effective - i've actually gained quite a bit from the encounter.

i did some debugging on the scout's mfc code, and i guess we're learning at the same pace, even if he's getting more practice. then the two of them did some work, and i spent an hour or so sorting out the new posters and nailing things.

hee hee.

i read for a bit, and ate supper early - the kitchen commander (the big cheese, the head hamburger, and the rest weren't amusing at all) almost threw us out before i *ahem* put him in his place. reminded him of his job, lied about our situation (okay, i told the truth about mine and indicated them while saying "there're other soldiers with these issues too".

played some GREAT gta before i left - i did some whoopin' (a first!), then went to mmf's, organized something for him, then took a short walk to the bus (figured routes out) and bussed home. i got home in time for a two-minute shower, then took yet another taxi to work - slightly more worth it this time. it's been a good shift, albeit a bit hectic.

gonna be getting to the base around 4am, and i gotta be up for the Big Inspection at 7.30... not gonna be fun. or it will be entertaining. and then looking forward to another day of windows api, resting, exercising, and gaming.

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