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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

my leg-spoons are killing me!

leg-spoons: a direct translation from the hebrew word for feet. go figure.

i just got in from 3.5 hours of SERIOUS blading. i think we did about 30/35km tonight. huge group, really nice.

i slept well last night - my neck's feeling MUCH better. i made it to the bus stop just in time this morning, and halfway there i suddenly realized that spot was standing right in front of me. we were both listening to our mp3 players, so we pretty much ignored each other for most of the ride.

i spent the morning talking to sbelle, and directing the setup of our branch's display. bloody bastards stole our stapler and scissors, so we had to go borrow. that's not nice. especially not when everyone's working on the same friggin' project.

there were white bits attached to our display, that totally didn't go with our design. i was busy removing (destroying, more like) the second piece, when some woman began screaming at me for ruining all her hard work. if it was important, she really should have said something at the start.

broke for lunch, with sbelle, the mongoose, and spot. was a good humus lunch. i returned to find the display done, rather nicely, but not entirely as planned. doesn't matter, it still outshines all the rest ;)

slept during the afternoon - i was on time for my kitchen duty and they sent me off for an hour and a half... and was woken in time to see spot dressed up as the head of our unit. farkin' hysterical, he really could pull it off!

kitchen duty was alright, kinda boring, but alright. they let us off at 18.30, and i rushed through to mmf's, changed, and met up with sbelle at dizengoff centre. stopped on the way and chatted with the guy who did my tattoo, i think i'm going to get the colour sorted out next week.

sbelle and i were clearly not on a date. we walked to a really nice coffee shop, sat and chatted a while, the went back to the centre and browsed, stopping to go through movie posters (damn - i want all the avp and back to the future ones). some more browsing, and then we took photo's together in a photo booth.


i quite enjoyed it all. i'm rather comfortable with her... probably because i don't really expect anything to happen. afterwards, i rushed home, changed into rollerblading gear, and bladed to join the group. unfortunately, after finally remembering to load my mp3 player off mmf's pc, i forgot to bring it with me.

we bladed hard. we bladed lots. highlights: a hot dog, slippery bridges, awesome downhills, and the cigarette and mango juice afterwards. losing the car (i accompanied a friend to her's).

and THE highlight (i actually forgot to post this): rollerblading through the park, with about 4 feet of mist hovering over everything. it was incredible!

now i'm about to shower, shave, and CRASH. i know getting up will be a bitch, but i also know just how well i'm going to sleep ^_^

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