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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, October 14, 2005

robert rankin, ruben rybnik, make for a good end-of-week

two days ago:

i miraculously got up early enough to make the bank. sorted stuff out. in spite of horrible people who can't figure out how a queue works. i finally put some money away in a savings account - i don't really think it'll make much difference though, at 1% - and drew my salary.

the mongoose came over, did some work, and then we went to the comic book store. on a whim, i did a rescan of the place... and i found some 2000AD stuff!


so i now have judge dredd - goodnight kiss, and rogue trooper - fort neuro. and i am *CHUFFED*.

we went through to the mongoose's, and spent the afternoon chilling. supper was amazing, and then the (semi-)fast began. semi because we cheated a little... i crashed for a bit, and the mongoose dragged me out of bed around 10pm (and i REALLY needed sleep) to walk through to bat-yam.

we spent a couple of hours with a friend of his, on an EXTREMELY empty main thoroughfare, chilling and talking and smoking and munching and drinking (damn, not very good at fasting!), before shuffling back (all exhausted) and going to sleep.


i woke up around 1.30pm, and spent the afternoon finishing blood of the fold (hence the ruben rybnik reference), and getting my ass kicked in backgammon by the mongoose's sister.

the breaking of the fast was fan-bloody-tastic. i had a sample of each type of foodstuff, and ended up completely stuffed. and it was all great food.

watched a silly jennifer lopez movie with one eye while reading the first couple of identity comics - great bloody series that.

another friend of the mongoose's gave us a ride to the lizard, and after a few greetings i walked to the lincoln to meet up with firefighter and freshmeat. they were playing snooker - doesn't blow my hair back at all.

amusingly enough, our team leader was there - refused to play me on the grounds that he doesn't like losing - and scout rocked up with a couple of friends. scout and his friends joined us for a couple of doubles games (pool balls on a snooker table, not cool), and shortly after freshmeat gave me a ride home.


by which point i was completely exhausted. i woke up about 1.5 hours ago, have done some internet arbing, and reading of the witches of chiswick (which my mom assures me is pronounced chissick. damn brits. i'm off to do stuffTM, so i have to leave a quote i'm taken with... robert rankin is a king.

'... But God has never really been what you'd call a forward planner. He gets stuff started, then He sort of loses interest and goes off with one foot in the air and one hand behind His back and does something else.'
'Why with one foot in the air and one hand behind His back?'
'He moves in mysterious ways,' said Barry. 'I thought everyone knew that.'

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