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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

what a day!

what - a day!

i woke up this morning having slept enough for the first time in the-elder-gods know how long. i was actually able to open my eyes BEFORE getting to the base!

a pleasant beginning, i got to the base on time, and immediately set about working. minutes into my Really Sweet Java App, i was told we had a problem requesting someone to come and fix our team leader's air-conditioner. normally i wouldn't care, but it's always fun to get things done on base - especially non-work-related things.

office A told me that they don't deal with these problems, i had to go to office B. B told me that they're not responsible for problems like these that occur in OUR unit, and sent me to office C. C put me on the phone with someone who really knew the procedures, and explained to me - in no uncertain terms - that A is responsible. back to A, who then showed me office D, where i finally found the guy.

the guy i had to speak to is one of the base commanders. when i got there, he asked why i didn't come straight there - there's a sign and everything. so i explained to him (in front of his team) that i don't (well, i said can't) read hebrew. much laughter ensued, and then he requested that i take exams for him in english :P

i look forward to that. being owed favours is the cornerstone of any army.

i'd forgotten that we had another volleyball match today, and had left my clothes at home. my section commander was hungry, so he gave me a lift home, i got my gear, and we went for an early lunch. i had a toasted sandwich that was OUT - OF - THIS - WORLD. they had a special going, so i stuffed every kind of meat they had for only NIS 15 (about R20). it was huge, and delicious.

got back to the base, fed the dog fishfood (he was sleeping in his chair with his mouth open, snoring. he had it coming), and then went for my first interview with the new commander of our wing.

-- crazy incident: his secretary made him coffee, i made for myself at the same time. she gave me a funny look, spat in his coffee, and continued stirring. that totally creeped me out, and i really didn't know what to do. --

it was supposed to take half an hour, but i spent an extra half hour repeating to him how dissatisfied i am with my job, and how disappointed i am that the army's wasting me. i actually stumped him completely a few times - he really wasn't prepared for someone with my attitude to show up. i don't think he's going to want to talk to me again.

after a quick coffee break, we had volleyball practice. i'd spoken to our "coach" in the morning, and we came to a good understanding about switching around players. straight after the practice we had the match, and we beat the team everyone was worried about.

two good teams meant lots of enjoyable rallies, and plenty of crazy moves and strikes. we were impressed. i didn't get much game-time, but what i did get i made use of. the switching in general was quite good.

spent the rest of the afternoon figuring out java calendars and dates - not too complicated once you get the hang of it - and finally my Really Sweet Java App is almost ready for testing. i just have to play around with the panels to make it look nicer, and wait for the database to become available so i don't do any accidental damage in case i forgot something important.

i came straight to work, even though my shift only begins at midnight - and they had a use for me. so now i'm sitting and "working", and chilling and catching up net-wise. i'm always amused that the more time i get to surf, the more there is for me to catch up on... "hey all you drug-addicts..."

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