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I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Friday, October 04, 2024

shana tova 🙏

on wednesday morning we were preoccupied with making sure we were ready for the long weekend, and the afternoon was relatively relaxed. having said that, i must've eaten something bad or picked up a bug somewhere, but i spent a large part of the afternoon running to and from the toilet.

fortunately, that settled down the moment we left in the evening, and didn't return until the following morning.

we went to our friends for the chag, and for the most part it was a relaxed evening with the kids (mostly) being cool and the adults enjoying good food and good conversation, in spite of the fact that we were coming from opposite ends of the political spectrum. it's nice to have conversations with intelligent people.

we came home relatively early, and after putting mr smear to bed i settled in for some shadowrun: dragonfall. until... until pretty late.


i woke up with the middle of my back threatening to spasm, and it was painfully on the verge for pretty much the entire day.

in the morning, gd and i left mr smear to his devices (i think he was playing minecraft) and took a pleasant walk around the very quiet neighborhood. other than that, until 4pm i was mostly preoccupied with the apex mission in shadowrun. that mission was hard, and i needed a restart or two (i made some pretty big mistakes), and goddammit i earned the won't suffer an ai to live achievement. just decided how to handle that story required a few restarts and reading up online, i literally couldn't decide, as a player or as my character, whether it made sense to make a deal or not.

that's good writing.

i completed the mission, saved, and quit. still buzzing from how difficult the mission was and having completed it by the skin of my teeth, i closed my computer and went out with mr smear for a walk and some time chilling in the park.

it was nice. and my stomache was mostly okay by then.

so we had a good time, and i got a good break from the game. after we got back and showered, i decided to fire it up, just until dinner time. and that was when i learned that my save game - the one i saved after completing the mission - did not exist, and i was taken back to the very beginning of my last attempt.

i died inside. that really messed me up, and i'd stay messed up about it until this afternoon.

we had dinner, watching an episode of x-men and an episode of the fantastic four, and then everyone went to bed early.


we didn't know if we'd have guests today or not, but either way our apartment was in dire need of a clean. so, for the first time, the three of us did it as a family. it took a while, but we did well, and we all rested nicely afterwards. (mr smear reading on his kindle, i've just been convinced to pay for kindle unlimited).

with an hour to go before we-need-to-go-outside time, i decided to give the apex mission another try. this time, i was doing alright when the game got stuck in the middle of the battle and wouldn't let me end my turn.

so that's a thing, too.

it's an old game, so nobody's going to fix it. but i did find a forum post mentioning debug mode, and debug mode has a "kil" button. so i reloaded, again, and quickly breezed through the mission using a big, fat cheat.

once i was clear, and out of the mission, i saved, verified that the save saved, and *then* closed the computer and went out with mr smear for a walk.

it was a good walk, and we stopped for ice cream on the way. this evening's been alright, we've just finished showering and are about to eat, and we've played some games together.

today was a good day.

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