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Monday, April 15, 2024

power play

 so far, the fallout series doesn't suck, which is actually very high praise. having said that, i was too tired last night to watch much of it. we woke up in the morning, having prepared for the attack - eight hours knowing that rockets are coming your way is a very long time. but then it was morning, and we woke up to see videos of rockets being shot down.

and then read that iran was saying that was it. and everyone discouraging us from retaliating. wtaf is going on?!

anyway. mr smear's mma camp was still cancelled and we were all confused, so i ended up working from home while he spent most of his day playing valheim. it was a long, tough day, but i ultimately enjoyed some success. in the evening, mr smear and i accompanied gd to the clinc, then we did some grocery shopping.

it was a good evening.

gd had to leave early this morning for an emergency dentist appointment, and we were confident that there wasn't going to be an mma camp today.

we were wrong.

i'm feeling particularly proud of myself for - with gd's guidance over the phone - getting mr smear's gear ready, and for convincing mr smear to eat toast with peanut butter on it, and for getting him out the door in generally good spirits and good time. we only found out the camp was happening around 8pm, and i managed to get him in the door before 9.30, brief his jiujitsu instructor on using the epipen, and see him join the class.

leaving him there felt like a big deal. like his first day at school. 4-5 hours on his own dealing with a "new" framework.

and then i was off to the office.

i'm really, really glad i didn't work from home. the only other person in the office was the one person i needed to interface with, and between the two of us i made great progress on my tickets. i didn't finish them (and our sprint ended today), but i made great progress that i'm satisfied with. additionally, the CEO messaged me in the morning to ask for something else and i delivered it with a really good feeling. and our CTO, who's been missing in action for a couple of days, posted a photo of him and his wife with their newborn. that's two in a week, but the fourth in four months - it feels like we have a baby boom going on :)

all-in-all, it was a good day.

mr smear had a mostly-good first day on the fight camp, although the last few minutes didn't go so well (he apparently got kicked a few times after pairing up with someone he'd been advised not to). while that did suck, he handled his emotions much better than we would have expected and the rest of the day went smoother than either of us would have anticipated. in addition to that, it provided an opening for a really good bedtime conversation. at some point i described to him what i went through after being fired from my first job in montréal, and how mma helped me get through a very difficult period of my life, and he very sincerely wished that i hadn't gone to canada and experienced all those things. to which i replied: "but then i wouldn't have met your mother, and you wouldn't exist. and if i had to go through all that in order to get you, i'd do it again in a heartbeat."


i can't post it (i don't have permission), but gd sent me a picture that he drew called "israel killing hamas", in among us style and it's excellent ^_^

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