
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

all over the place

 i'm too tired to be vertical, too wired to be horizontal. i knew the 5.30pm coffee was both a good idea and a bad idea. also, i was totally right about there being a round two on the coughing/post nasal drip, it's horrible.

today was particularly interesting. it began with a very unpleasant goodbye after mr smear made it clear that he had no intention of participating in the class "project" - the teacher has been pairing up different kids for playdates to try to get them better integrated and he had to go to one of the two kids in class that he really can't stand. i managed to apply for the government allowance for kids with life-threatening allergies before heading to work, so that was another administrative load off. the work day was pretty good, all in all.

about an hour before my evening meeting with dod and co, one of my teammates announced that he'd just been fired. i literally didn't believe him at first, but soon after it became clear that we just got thoroughly reorganized and about half of our department just got dumped. i was finally over the reorg that just happened a few months ago, and as much of a relief as it is to have "made the cut" this is really, really horrible. my teammate? he's just announced that his wife is pregnant with their second kid and is currently renovating his new home, so not the best time...

... not that it's ever the best time...

on my way to the meeting i spoke to gd and was pleasantly surprised to hear that mr smear had cooperated, with no drama! later i'd learn that he actually had a really good time and i'm so pleased for him!

the meeting: i get it now. it's an amazing idea. it's elegant. i know what we have to do. the long-term prospect was attractive anyway, but is even more so considering the updated state of my current employment. now's the time for research and due diligence, and i'm excited.


the weekend was mostly good, although saturday night took a turn for the worse (gd's been having a rough time lately and i pushed a red button) we did get over the hump and the past few days have been easier for both of us as a result. on friday evening we went to mr smear's friend's family for a really nice dinner. a large chunk of saturday was spent playing around with midjourney, culminating in my releasing musing on sunday morning. i'm extremely proud of it! in the afternoon we walked to the beach, which on an almost-empty winter's day was absolutely lovely.

there was stuff i meant to post about regarding sunday and monday but whatever it was has been so dramatically overshadowed by the sandwiching days i simply can't recall right now...

oh! on sunday morning i got up around 3am and spent an hour or two writing up an outline for an app i'd discussed with a coworker on thursday morning. on sunday night i met with said coworker for the game hack thing, and we settled on building a different social app based on an idea i had just over a decade ago and i was pleased that he was so excited by it.

i think that's everything for now.

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