
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

the week that was

there was much pain, and ugliness, but there were also some great moments.


the week began with a panic to ensure that our customers weren't affected by the log4j security vulnerability, and although our risk was minor i still ended up spending two days fighting with the only java components in our solution which hadn't really been touched in a couple of years. i don't like how some essential java projects don't subscribe to semantic versioning, and can't maintain internal consistency with their own packages. and i don't like javadoc.

otherwise, i managed to knock out some important work, complete some unpleasant tasks and prepare some long-term security measures. the week ended on a strong note, and then yesterday morning my manager sent me a note that our efforts a couple of weeks ago have secured us some new customers, which certainly feels good.


good grief. we had two disastrous nights this past week, and we've now understood that our poor kid simply doesn't understand that he *has* to do what his parents and teachers tell him. i mean, literally does not understand. that, and we're three people in this household who have difficulty regulating their emotions. i'm very pleased that we managed to get through those two episodes (and their fallout), but it's been heartbreaking and discouraging.

at least the weekend seems to be going pretty well.


we're fine, but on wednesday - mr smear's last day of school - our cleaning lady rushed off and two days later reported back that she had covid, so we've been exposed and have been isolating. again. this stinks. now we're trying to navigate a sea of (mis)information and figure out whether we should be isolating the 10 days our doctor told us, or whether we should be getting an antigen test tomorrow.


the new page is posted, and horseman and i had a conversation about the project yesterday and he suggested something pretty amazing that is deep in swordschool's domain, so i'm hoping to get him on board with it.

game dev:

my son and i began playing around with unity today, because he wants to turn alphabit into a real game. this is definitely a long-term project, but we made some progress which was pretty cool

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