
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Saturday, September 05, 2020

de/motivate and going up


thursday was a bit mixed up. the good parts involved an exciting consultation with my tattoo artist and booking three sessions for next week, a little bit of success at work, a couple of pleasant short walks outside in our first spring weather and some great moments with my boy. the bad parts involved having difficulty focusing on work, realizing i've only done half my hours this week, and a moment over spilled coconut water that triggered a painful talking-to about my anger issues...

the big news from thursday was shocking and a bit surreal: my israeli passport has been renewed, but only for two years. they're literally giving me two years to return before i lose my passport. we were tentatively planning on moving before 2022, but now there's external pressure and that's made everything a lot more real.

after getting mr smear to bed i worked with SxS until late. i'm sad that the issues we're having are with the deprecated solution that's still being sold (silverlight is awful), but i enjoyed seeing what's become of the replacement project i initiated!


 a general sense of the day being out of control, working at my mom's, a weird dmv experience (none of us could figure out what we were waiting for, and i somehow picked up my new license ahead of the handful of people who'd been waiting longer than me), eventually getting through it and back for breakfast-lunch (i hadn't eaten a thing until 1.30pm, and then i ate too much) before diving in to strange mysteries that we only managed to resolve about an hour after i'd planned to leave for the weekend.


loadshedding didn't quite happen to us last night, but it did drop our internet connection:

MY ISP: "press 1 for support"
ME: *presses 1*
MY ISP: "press 1 for support"

because that's what i'd rather be doing on a friday night than watching a movie.


this morning:

it's been a chilled morning, except for the bit where a stripe support agent effectively deleted my account (intentionally!) because i'd complained about receiving 30 copies of the same sms. wtaf.

*yawn* second coffee and try-to-continue-doing-nothing time.

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