
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

the buzz

hah! sunday.

i woke up to two very strange dreams.

1. samuel l jackson is a megamind-like villain. i receive a clue but am too slow to figure it out and something bad happens. my team converges on his hideout and two of them who are particularly excited to discover that they have powers don't realize that they can't fly and launch themselves into a wall. i manage to sneak up on the villain, but suddenly, a few feet away from my target, i lose control of my bowels and i poop myself… thinking fast - i have to do something! - i reach down, grab a chunk of poop and rub it in that smug bastard's face, getting away just as he realizes what's happened.

2. i'm watching a youtube video of a teenager "recycling" AA batteries by swallowing them.

i woke up from the first worried that i'd actually pooped myself (i hadn't), and from the second feeling gagging from the mere *idea* of swallowing batteries.


gd took mr smear out early to a birthday party on a farm (what kind of a farm has lions?!?!), and i played hacknet for a bit before heading off to the "spiritual awakening" session gd signed me up for. my gods, i don't think there's any other game that gets my adrenaline so pumped up!

at first i was skeptical, but the dude pulled off quite a feat in a random room full of random people. about a third of the way through i realized two things, the first being that i was exactly where i needed to be, mentally and physically, for the third time this week. the second, that although i disagree with a fair amount of what he was saying, at the end of the day we're talking about the same thing but from different ideologies and with very different metaphors. i can deal with that. so i let myself go and did the exercise, which only took a split second because he used an expression that i understood immediately - the "life buzz" he was referring to is something i first became aware of on my very first lsd trip, while sitting in a tutorial about nuclear proliferation wearing an anti-asbestos suit and chewing on a fellow student's pen. it's a beautiful thing that once you tap into that sensation, you can easily share it with anyone around you who's paying attention - it's contagious and the room was full of that peaceful sensation that comes with being that present.

i returned home, got through half a cup of coffee when i realized i *really* didn't need another one, spent the next while doing meaningless things until my family returned home full of mud, emergency showered with mr smear, ate too much while he played on my computer and then watched two movies with him, rise of the guardians and the spiderwick chronicles, both of which made me a little emotional. on a related note, i'm amused to report that he's becoming a bit of a brony :D

i'm feeling a bit off, but happy with my weekend.

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