
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

sleeping before a long night

between last night and this morning, i took the proof of concept for the job i've been working on since november and made it production ready... that combined with a very positive interview this afternoon has really put me in a good space professionally. emotionally, though, i'm very much feeling the israeli day of remembrance that we've just entered. i keep thinking of my son, and how i expect him to serve in the israeli army one day. what a strange idea, how proud i would be and how worried simultaneously. and that silly thing that bothers me, not being able to give him any of my gear. i hope i still have some. i can't stop repeating my rank and personal number in my head and being grateful that i'm done with the army and grateful that i went through all of the insanity. human beings, huh? jesus, we're proper fucking mad.

friday 13th:

last minute work in the car discovering a stupid bug that had been plaguing me for a while, picking up mr smear and agreeing with the teacher to let go of the potty training until mr smear seems ready

mr smear's short nap to psytrance while i filled up the car, interviewing a cleaning lady, resting for a bit, working a little, combating holocaust denial on my facebook feed, picking up a couple of things at woolworths and fixing gd's loyalty card, off to the temple

meeting mr smear's friend there, the two of them making far too much noise but playing well outside

a lovely dinner with a new friend (the father's out of the country for a few days, but we're pretty confident these are people we can be close to), a late night with mr smear admitting he was tired and going straight to bed, driving them to town and returning to learn that she'd brought us a massive box of cupcakes, brownies and some other confectionary (very schroedinger, healthy and unhealthy and delicious all at the same time)

jessica jones

saturday 14th:

completing sam and max 101 and going to bed around 1.20am, waking up seven hours later and being rewarded for performing kitchen duties with cupcakes for breakfast

too tired to be functional, and then suddenly it was 11am...

leaving gd with household chores, dropping mr smear off at the gym crèche, a solid hour's workout running, boxing and stretching, four lengths swimming with the earplugs doing their job but the goggles letting in frustrating amounts of water, coffee and lunch with my mom and mr smear

three minutes of pitchhikers inducing a nap, relaxing until mr smear woke up, taking him for a walk then turning around and visiting our neighbours

saying something remarkably stupid to two two-year-olds before i could stop myself (note to self: don't encourage kids playing pirate with fake swords to fight something out), blowing up a sea monster the hard way as a distraction, mr smear inserting himself into their bath-time again, my naked guitarist reenacting a move from an ac/dc music video (so proud!!)

dinner, a long bedtime, hunting a copy of the nao of brown (cheapest and fastest was

watching a bit of sandy wexler until gd went to bed, then discovering james acaster before i did

sunday 15th:

after a long night, the thought that kept repeating in dracula's (hotel transylvania) voice: "kimchiguts". is it a complaint, an insult, or a term of endearment?

sharing the rage generated by being sent out pre-coffee on a sunday morning to buy a godsdamned frying pan and then be left to pick one from two shelves of seemingly similar options

taking mr smear to the aquarium, where he walked in then walked straight back out again; busking musicians, lunch and a nap

sailor arriving, excessively loud musical "accompaniment" in the food market, good food, good coffee, splitting up at the aquarium, a fun visit, foo fighters on the way home then more foo fighters at home

pearl jam's do the evolution video is AMAZING

mom visiting, finishing the cupcakes, beard itch, mr smear back-kicking mr punching bag

a mostly pleasant evening, getting mr smear to bed relatively smoothly, loving james acaster (gd not so much), waiting out rough rls before going to bed

monday 16th:

another decent night's sleep, a fight over map reading, dropping mr smear off at school, returning just in time to take gd to acupuncture, settling in to work and listen to grant morrison's brilliant speech in the background, making progress and being compelled to buy the first book of the invisibles

gd coming home in positive tears, picking up mr smear, big lunch and nap, work and coffee, quick shopping, gym (forgetting running shoes and hand wraps, awkwardly sharing lanes, figuring out how my goggle straps work, managing eight lengths - barely - and really feeling my lack of cardio)

taking mr smear along to pick up laffot, a delivery guy wearing his motorcycle helmet walking in and mr smear pointing at him saying "it's the pretender, daddy!", coming home to upset gd because i'd forgotten to inform her that i'd invited my mom, my mom joining us and mr smear eating well, shower (i can get him out the "bathtub" by threatening to stop playing foo fighters) and bedtime

the season 2 finale of jessica jones (very good), a little james acaster, launching into work (and a bit of dishwasher packing)

tuesday 17th:

at 2am realizing that i'd finally sorted things out... but on the wrong git branch :P

almost 4am before finally climbing into bed, mostly working but with quite a few unusual cries from mr smear for hugs and back scratches

oh, 7.30am, how rightfully i dreaded you so...

arriving at a relatively reasonable time, taking four minutes to sing along to the pretender then discovering that i'd left mr smear's bag at home

great work at my mom's coffee shop, a quick coffee with the father of one of mr smear's friends, picking up mr smear from school and getting him home to bed, stuffing myself with the previous night's dinner leftovers and crashing, waking up feeling like my face was melting

coffee, work, heading over to my mom's place for an hour long technical interview that i feel went really well, returning home to pick up mr smear and take him grocery shopping, enjoying a big dinner with him before leaving him with my mom and taking gd to my old high school for the yom hazikaron ceremony - a surprisingly moving ceremony all round, lots of pride and sorrow, and only marginally tainted by the stupidity of the questions i was asked by one of the girls doing security who was trying to make sure i wasn't a threat ("what's your name?"??? really?!?!)

home after mr smear had gone to sleep (it feels like a first, even if it's not), more eating, a bit of james acaster (i think he's brilliant, gd's not impressed), a good chunk of 30 minutes or less (surprisingly good), then attempting to be productive and failing before it was time to crash around midnight

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