
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

in the blink of an eye

monday 11th:

12.45am after doing a lot of nothing (although that nothing did include rewriting an old nursery rhyme)

up at 7am with barely an interruption but mr smear suffering conjunctivitis... taking him to school anyway once we were reasonably sure it'd cleared, going to the gym and running surprisingly well before receiving a call informing us that we'd been wrong - rushing to pick him up, then picking up gd and caring and working for a couple of hours before seeing the doctor

an indoors afternoon, gd's victorious battle against the clique moms, decent work progress, apparently clearing up some confusion with the illustrator, gd over-catering an afternoon snack into too much dinner, the bedtime ritual and passing out halfway through guardians of the galaxy volume 2 which is phenomenally good

tuesday 12th:

2.30am up to double-team mr smear for an hour of eyedrop application trauma and getting him back to sleep, fortunately sleeping a bit later than usual

a long morning, eventually getting to the police station for fingerprinting (every officer claimed the illegible scrawls were clearly readable, wtf?!) and police car watching (there was only one, unfortunately), the postnet for posting (R450 or R20? we'll take the less secure route, thanks), spar for phat fox vegan chocolate mousse (amazing!), a moment laughing uncontrollably face to face with mr smear crying because i ate "his" spoon of mousse, home, trading up a whiteboard for a pad of paper then a big shopping... no almond milk, though, and i had to go through two other stores to find some because of a nationwide shortage. on the way i got out of the car to yell at an old white woman who'd hooted aggressively in my ear after a pedestrian inconvenienced her by legitimately crossing the road; i was so infuriated by that and the fact that her grandchild was in the back that i said some of what i intended and probably garbled the rest

gd wearing down mr smear (and herself in the process), taking him to the park and returning ten minutes later with him fast asleep; settling down to work, trying to help gd quickly, doing something stupid and being chewed out for most of the rest of the napportunity...

... a little work, a rushed park visit and then getting gd to her class almost on time, mr smear upset that i'd only repeat "a brand new day" once but still eating a bit of his dinner, a well-timed pre-shower poop on his behalf leading to bedtime. not smooth, but not too much trouble either

boxing gym music at high volume at 8.30pm

troubleshooting an installation while i developed a sore throat, then sitting down to an idiot abroad and delicious vegan fudge before getting into work

wednesday 13th:

until 1am, going to bed after a couple of failed attempts to manage my throat, intense dreams (taking place in video games)
watching mr smear until the nanny took him outside, working and Getting Stuff Done for most of the day

working at my mom's place in the early afternoon when mr smear wanted to play with me and not the nanny, the battery on my expensive workstation running flat in an hour when my own cheap second-hander from 2013 has more juice
detecting the stench of athlete's foot from a man taking off his shoe about 50m upwind of me
taking mr smear to the waterfront for a quick mission, him sliding around on his belly over bird shit and then squirting boxed guava juice all over himself
cough regression
work / dinner / staring, fascinated at our little boy who's very quickly gone from baby to autonomous little human
the rush from table to breastfeeding with a shower in between
that surreal moment when you manage to convince your two year old to sing himself to sleep
an idiot abroad then work

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