
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

what's for me?

i swear if i didn't so totally have my shit together i'd probably be schizophrenic.

the day began at the gym with vfmp. after much effort he can finally throw a decent hook! it was excitingly satisfying seeing him get it right.
it's the second time i've stood next to francis carmont while he works a punching bag. that is a BIG DUDE.

after putting my back out last night, the morning session did ease it up a bit and by the evening it was fine. hooray!

because all the other Big Dudes took over the mats, vfmp and i called it quits early (and agreed to do jiu-jitsu first next time, boxing we can do anywhere) and after a quick lunch i introduced him to fluxx. after he left i called my bank to opt out of printed bills for my new credit card, and was decidedly bored and a little annoyed by the service representative who talked shit ("i just want you to know that i appreciate your choice very much, it's so much better for the environment") and forced me to listen to a pre-recorded audio version of a consent form that, having already opted out for my previous card, i'd already agreed to :(

i finally reached the imperfect tense with duolingo today! i can't describe how exhilarating it was to realize that i have most of that shit down. i'm feeling so much more confident that i'll be taking the french exam soon!

i applied for a few more jobs today, then went out to print yesterday's reference letter and work on my comics at starbucks before kickboxing. only i brought the document in the wrong format (damn you, openoffice!) and left my netbook's adapter at home, so i resigned myself to drinking the coffee and taking notes on my phone for next time instead.

the kickboxing class was decent. i spoke to my boxing instructor afterwards about sparring and he told me that in his opinion i shouldn't be sparring at all. i heard him out and i appreciate his honesty, but afterwards one of the guys told me to ignore him and just start smaller... literally, not bang with the bigger boys who are preparing to fight. and then come back when i'm ready.

challenge accepted.

i came home to positive and amusing online dating messages (i've been told by one girl that i seem "so over it", but was then told to invite her out already), watched downton abbey (i'm going to be sad when i get to the end of season two) and got sucked into arbitrary links:

classic art animated. wonderful, and wonderfully chilling!

the assistant is a very cute and very short movie.

that's right. i'm posting a link to a cat video. it's called mailman battles cat while attempting to deliver mail.

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