
My campaign to produce Shakespeare's Sonnets: A Graphic Novel Adaptation needs your help! Please sign up at for access to exclusive content and the opportunity to be a part of the magic!

I'm also producing a podcast discussing the sonnets, available on
industrial curiosity, itunes, spotify, stitcher, tunein and youtube!
For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

level up

[what the hell?!?! i published this last night! and there was another post that simply disappeared! not impressed.]
[edit two weeks later: i found it! actually, i think i saw this before and got distracted before i could retrieve it.]

is there anything as purely enjoyable as ice-cold orange juice when you're hot and thirsty?

yes. that orange juice when you're hot and thirsty and have just returned from a kickboxing class where you were tested and deemed worthy of joining the advanced class ^_^

in the meanwhile, i worked my ass off and i was already hurting from yesterday's boxing class, and i seem to be making progress with the jiu-jitsu as well - this is promising to be one hell of a powerful week. full of aches and pains.

health-wise, i'm feeling a little better in some respects and a little worse in others; i'm hoping the latter is psychological, otherwise i'm going to be super-annoyed. i want this shit to be over with and get back to full strength.

it was a decent day in the office, the most interesting points being a discussion on dress codes (i was informed by megaman that there shouldn't be one, and that he'll fight hard against any that may exist) and an awkward goodbye to one of the interns who wanted to know if he'd be able to come back for his next term - i like the kid, but i think we've all decided that he's not productive enough. dodging the question while wishing him well and in front of one of the new interns wasn't nice at all.

back to dress codes: aota informed me that if i don't dress well i shouldn't expect to be promoted... quite frankly, i'm rather happy not to be promoted and so i guess i can just do my skater-style thing.

i'm doing laundry, which means that i'll be able to go to bed no earlier than around 1am, and my plan is to hit the metro at midnight to renew my pass and the bank to draw some cash to pay the cleaning lady. i think i'm almost ready to eat food now: since training i've been too thirsty to. this weather is too hot for heating!

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