i'm thinking of this because it turns out that pg's never really heard the band, so i *had* to showcase. she still doesn't dig 'em. but i tried, and that's the main thing.
we watched l.a. confidential when we got home. i think i might've seen it before - perhaps just the end - but it didn't matter. it's as good as they say, smart and classy and engrossing.
my morning mumble:
i'm sweating
not because i'm stressed
i have one job to do today and i'm pretty sure i know how to do it
rather, because i arose to cold this morning
an icy, shivering cold
that kept me under the hot duvet another five futile minutes
and so i skipped out late into the morning wearing my blazer
with coat in hand that i'd hurriedly grabbed on my way to the door
to quickly discover that fourteen degrees doesn't need a coat
and for the heated metro, even a blazer can be too much
i arrived early, and was still warm when i left the metro. i worried that i was running a fever, but in retrospect 14 degrees is relatively warm. i took a walk around so that i'd get to the office on time, but instead of leaving at 9am we would only depart around noon; in the interim, i took a pc and a desk and began studying things. including the organization, which included meeting people. in the first round i missed half the names, by the second i'd gotten them all. it's easy when there're three with the same name, four i've been in contact with by email, one with a classically simple name and one with the same french name as an old friend of mine.
that last one has a b-b-b-b-bad ringtone. i think if i had that ringtone i'd find it impossible not to answer in that voice and tune.
so i didn't have time for breakfast on the way out, but at least the office has an espresso machine. they have a cafeteria, too; it's also pretty sweet in terms of décor and cubicle setup.
perhaps i'll change my mind some day.
midway through the day my mother called to harass me about food - i hadn't eaten - and by the time i found an escort to the cafeteria at the location we were at it was closed. i had to settle for a $2.5 twix: the vending machine and i had a disagreement regarding numbered columns so i had to pay twice :(
i felt good but exhausted when i arrived home. and famished. after pre-dinner and dressing down, we ate real dinner and talked a lot. my aunt and cousin made fun of my enthusiastic description of the fifth element as a fashion extravaganza; we all ate too much dessert (including mouldy fudge, i hope a bite or two isn't going to make me sick) and then pg and i came down to watch lockout. [edit: my mistake! i originally wrote lockdown and that's a different movie altogether]
what an elaborately crap movie. the plot's full of holes, the characters either develop unreasonably quickly or not at all, and the stupidly unlikely is abundant. aristotle would have awarded 'em a razzie.
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