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For those who prefer reading to listening, the first 25 sonnets have been compiled into a book that is available now on Amazon and the Google Play store.

Monday, February 07, 2011

8 hours gone 1 item left 9 hours to go

it's 3am, and i have one more poetry piece to massage and coerce before i can go to bed. the only time i've left my pc since waking up has been to eat, including one instance when nystire informed me that he was eating dried dead kudu and in response i discovered that it had been raining for a while as i walked out the door for the first time in a day and a half - to pick up junk food.

arbitraries: vegan prophecy in his sleep: cool. i can hear my mum laughing at me. this beat is addictive. i finished off my literary theory paper with the line fragment: "as Marx says, we do all need our opium". i laughed with nystire about the third item, not imagining that a few minutes later i'd be incorporating lament into my work (i haven't really decided if i'm gonna keep it, though). i never thought i'd find myself writing a university paper that included a comparison between poetry and the porn industry. xkcd had me laughing at poetic constructs. with the use of an elastic, my hair has gone back to the 80's. i like it. during the write-up of an intro to my poetry paper i had a sudden, dizzying sense of déjà vu. creepy. i simply buzzed over the parsecs, but i can't ignore where this man takes it.

there's nothing better than positive feedback on a paper i'm uncertain about. at least my paper kinda makes sense.

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